I can really see AOC as president. She’s already at the minimum age, but I would like to see her take another 5-10 years to learn how to broaden her appeal.
It’s also pretty funny to say that she needs to “broaden her appeal” when she’s already drawing tens of thousands of people without even running a presidential campaign.
The point is that she went from waitress to congress in 2 years - a giant achievement that at the same time gives her a “rookie” label. It’s not unreasonable that it will take a few more years to become seasoned enough for the presidency in mainstream voters’ minds.
So do I, but I wouldn’t expect her to win right now. Americans are too lazy to want change but they’ll want to be rescued from collapse. Things have to get a lot worse before enough fence-sitters will listen to her.
I’m pretty excited by this AOC/Sanders team up. I’m sure neither are perfect, and will have ideas that I disagree with. But they both have a strong reputation for sticking up for ordinary people rather than the rich and powerful. And no reputation (that I’m aware of!) for bullying, blathering, giving in to the rich, sexual abuse, or miscellaneous awful behaviour.
And a team up between old and young is a powerful thing. Age brings wisdom, to spot things a young person might miss; and youth brings energy, understanding, and new ideas.
AOC for 2028? Judging by other comments, it seems unlikely. But AOC later? If they stay uncompromised, stick to the values that America wants without getting bogged down in things that divide the country, and gather support organically across the country rather than relying on traditional rich-people-funding, this could be an amazing victory!
I agree she would be amazing, but Bernie won’t be around long enough for that team-up. He’s already a year older than Biden. The Dems need to cultivate a lot more younger politicians. They should have been going hard at this years ago.
And no reputation (that I’m aware of!) for bullying
Ask Jill Stein about that.
AOC for 2028? Judging by other comments, it seems unlikely.
Well, right now it seems unlikely that Trump will ever leave the White House under any circumstances. I don’t think you properly appreciate what’s going on here. If even a centrist like AOC still makes you go “Hhhmmm, I’m not sure if she’s ready yet…maybe another cycle or two…” while the country dives head-first into fascism, I don’t know what’s going to wake you up. Probably nothing.
Bernie rolled over like a dog for Hillary in 2016, so he does have some marks in giving in to the rich. He himself is also rich, owning multiple million dollar plus homes.
Not trying to be anti-Bernie, he’s great and pushing for great things. I was feeling the Bern back in 2016. But we should always go into things eyes open and as informed as we can be.
He has a net worth of 3 million dollars in his eighties. I get that he isn’t poor but that’s peanuts for someone that was likely getting property for pennies on the dollar compared to what property costs now days. Him having 3 million net worth in his eighties doesn’t make him rich, everyone else in America not having a clear path to have 3 million in net worth to show for their time and effort after a lifetime contributing to society to enjoy or pass on to their dependents or important causes is the failure.
As to her age, if she can learn to trust wise people around her, she can do much better than an old person with experience who only sees things their own way! For that reason it might be better to run soon if possible, to have the wisdom of Sanders with her. Hopefully there’s other wise people she trusts to mentior/advise her as well.
Her abilities aren’t the issue, the public’s perception is. I don’t think enough people will accept that she’s been on the scene long enough to be president.
I can really see AOC as president. She’s already at the minimum age, but I would like to see her take another 5-10 years to learn how to broaden her appeal.
This kind of “we’re not ready yet” mindset is what lets republicans eat our lunch again and again.
“Broadening appeal” is also dumb as fuck when the candidates that do run routinely get ~30% of the vote. They already don’t have “broad appeal.”
Stop playing into the ruling classes handbooks by giving up before we even begin.
It’s also pretty funny to say that she needs to “broaden her appeal” when she’s already drawing tens of thousands of people without even running a presidential campaign.
she’s spent her entire career broadening her appeal. She went from progressive, to progressive leaning dem, since she’s been in office.
The point is that she went from waitress to congress in 2 years - a giant achievement that at the same time gives her a “rookie” label. It’s not unreasonable that it will take a few more years to become seasoned enough for the presidency in mainstream voters’ minds.
We don’t have 5-10 years.
Found the project manager.
we literally have 4 years until the next presidential election. so yeah we do.
4 years < 5-10 years
what do you mean? like get some felonies first?
…just a little kiddie diddlin’ so mossad’s comfortable letting her on the inside track…
I want her to start running right now. Fascism is here, we can’t afford to wait.
So do I, but I wouldn’t expect her to win right now. Americans are too lazy to want change but they’ll want to be rescued from collapse. Things have to get a lot worse before enough fence-sitters will listen to her.
Do you think AOC would have a better chance at winning than… kamala harris?
AOC should try pandering to neo-conservatives. I’m sure that will work this time!
It’s going to get a lot worse.
Assuming we have an election in 2028, it will be bad enough by 2028.
We’ll have an election. North Korea has elections. My fear is we’ll have a Hungarian or Venezuelan style election.
“Amazing! 95% of voters voted to give Donald Trump a third term in office!”
Yeah I meant an election not a show.
I’m pretty excited by this AOC/Sanders team up. I’m sure neither are perfect, and will have ideas that I disagree with. But they both have a strong reputation for sticking up for ordinary people rather than the rich and powerful. And no reputation (that I’m aware of!) for bullying, blathering, giving in to the rich, sexual abuse, or miscellaneous awful behaviour.
And a team up between old and young is a powerful thing. Age brings wisdom, to spot things a young person might miss; and youth brings energy, understanding, and new ideas.
AOC for 2028? Judging by other comments, it seems unlikely. But AOC later? If they stay uncompromised, stick to the values that America wants without getting bogged down in things that divide the country, and gather support organically across the country rather than relying on traditional rich-people-funding, this could be an amazing victory!
I agree she would be amazing, but Bernie won’t be around long enough for that team-up. He’s already a year older than Biden. The Dems need to cultivate a lot more younger politicians. They should have been going hard at this years ago.
Sounds like it’s time for you to stand up and get into politics ;-)
You and everyone else here. Can Lemmy find one person from each state to field?
Ask Jill Stein about that.
Well, right now it seems unlikely that Trump will ever leave the White House under any circumstances. I don’t think you properly appreciate what’s going on here. If even a centrist like AOC still makes you go “Hhhmmm, I’m not sure if she’s ready yet…maybe another cycle or two…” while the country dives head-first into fascism, I don’t know what’s going to wake you up. Probably nothing.
Bernie rolled over like a dog for Hillary in 2016, so he does have some marks in giving in to the rich. He himself is also rich, owning multiple million dollar plus homes.
Not trying to be anti-Bernie, he’s great and pushing for great things. I was feeling the Bern back in 2016. But we should always go into things eyes open and as informed as we can be.
He has a net worth of 3 million dollars in his eighties. I get that he isn’t poor but that’s peanuts for someone that was likely getting property for pennies on the dollar compared to what property costs now days. Him having 3 million net worth in his eighties doesn’t make him rich, everyone else in America not having a clear path to have 3 million in net worth to show for their time and effort after a lifetime contributing to society to enjoy or pass on to their dependents or important causes is the failure.
Thanks for filling in a bit more of the picture.
I thought rolling over for Hillary was because of some deal he made with the DNC to be a candidate but then support whatever decision they made?
I honestly think this is code for, “I like what they do, but I hope they don’t raise my taxes.”
Also, “There’s no way they can have solutions that are better than mine!”
Well, it’s not.
Assuming there are real elections in 5-10 years
As to her age, if she can learn to trust wise people around her, she can do much better than an old person with experience who only sees things their own way! For that reason it might be better to run soon if possible, to have the wisdom of Sanders with her. Hopefully there’s other wise people she trusts to mentior/advise her as well.
Her abilities aren’t the issue, the public’s perception is. I don’t think enough people will accept that she’s been on the scene long enough to be president.