Doo Dooo do do do doooo
do Dooo do do do doooo
Doo Dooo do do do doooo
do Dooo do do do doooo
After a suspicious-looking guide I nearly started with, and the NoxOS split drama, and having homemanager bork my login in a test setup, I wonder if next time I’ll try GUIX.
What kind of apostrophe use is
You’ll have people arguing two hundred years later if women are technically members of the generic plural ‘boys’.
“How about a salad?”
“Oh, I know a few vegetables who’d object to that, Sir!”
I recommend distrohopping to check out Vista and iOS. It’s easier to get started with if you dual boot them on your W11 netbook.
I like flapjack* for the occasional programs I want the newest version.
*Sure, autocorrect, let’s call it that now.
I’ve also hopped distros on a scale of several years at a time. Loved Arch before I was living on an awful internet connection; did Ubuntu until they messed with snaps; loved Tumbleweed for a few years, but the volume of updates was getting a bit much; nearly learnt Nix but a trial run of Home Manager went up in flames, then I realised multiple layered package versions wasn’t worth the ‘stability’; now Mint’s been doing the job nicely, but I’m tempted to try KDE’s new distro someday.
I mean, the word ‘which’ doesn’t matter, according to the English professor.
Sure, if you’re taking the joke seriously about money, looks and [removed], I agree they all matter to some extent.
“Which doesn’t matter.”
– English professor.
I think that’s the opposite.
Rich people will say, money doesn’t matter. But they haven’t experienced actually not having it. It’s ironic.
Attractive people say, looks don’t matter, but they’ve always had good looks. It’s ironic.
The joke plays on the way deleted comments on Reddit show up as removed by deleted user, sounding similar to the earlier ironies: Deleted says deleted. Since that last is effectively meaningless, and entirely different underneath from the reaction-to-judgement underlying the first two, it’s also humour from the non-sequitur.
So it turns a frustration with rich and attractive people telling us not to worry about money and looks, into a surreal joke comparing the pattern to deleted Reddit comments.
It’s not even shorting it. Imagine if you took a plain battery and tried to charge itself from itself. You’d connect +ve to +ve and -ve to -ve: it’d do nothing.
I think the battery pack does clever things stepping voltages up and down: that’s how it can give charge at the same 5v as it was charged itself. So in this case those circuits will be just burning off energy.
in a ball of FIRE!
Going back in time is cheating a bit, but around 2013 my computer was an 8gb netbook. I carefully segregated my files into a couple of GB that I’d keep available, and the rest on an external HDD. To this day I keep that large/small scheme, though both parts have grown since then.
“Grumpy Grognard”. Do we have flairs on Lemmy? I can subtitle myself, grumpy grognard.
Fair point that laptops aren’t really the use case, though there have been times I’ve wanted to try things out on my laptop - actually that’s a reason I still want to learn podman or docker, because I hope it’s a way to try server-y things on my laptop without polluting my system, and being able to cleanly uninstall.
But okay, space on servers. I have a VPS with 20gb storage. And that has to include my backup data that lives there.
None, in fact, because I still haven’t got in to using docker! But that is one of the factors that pushes it down the list of things to learn.
I’ve had a number of low-storage laptops, mostly on account of low budget. Ever since taking an 8GB netbook for work (and personal) in the mountains, I’ve developed space-saving strategies and habits!
I wouldn’t want to let you down, so,
Should be “whose primary duties”
For real, though, thank you for your work looking after this instance! And big thanks in advance to whoever takes up the new admin roles. I hope there’s some of you out there who have time to take this up, wisdom to do it well, and patience… because, well, it’s the internet!
Edit to add: Who downvotes a post like this? Seriously, two downvotes? “Noo! Can’t have more admins! Terrible post, get it out of my feed!”