Aren’t we suppose to not do austerity if conservatives are not in power?
Are neoliberals not ultimately conservatives? This is politics, where everything is doublespeak. Hence, Liberal is actually conservative, and Conservative is actually…something beyond that. Heck, consider how we even got the term neoliberal, i.e. freedom for businesses instead of people. 😛
As much as I would prefer not to be cutting back on any ecological objectives, I have to admit we have a lot of really high priorities that are going to be very expensive. I won’t pretend to be informed enough to stake a firm position, but at a high level it feels like a reasonable choice.
$450 million is nothing if we taxed the rich more than the absolute minimum.
Hell, the top FIVE wealth hoarders in the country are hoarding over 200 billion dollars.
So, $450 million is 0.2% of their wealth… we really should be taxing them more.