Original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/BuyCanadian/comments/1javtes/my_mom_owns_a_canadianmade_indoafrican_sauce/
I was planning on waiting longer than almost a week since my initial post for an update but after this CBC article came out about how r/BuyCanadian saved my mom’s business I couldn’t help myself.
During the interview, she asked maybe 4-5 times if the reporter could please not forget to thank this subreddit by name. She had no idea what a subreddit or even Reddit was before this started but you guys when I tell you she will not stop talking about you to people. It’s very sweet.
There are not enough words to convey how thankful I am to all of you for supporting my mom, like this. With the tariffs she didn’t know how Aki’s was going to survive, even after being in business for 38 years. My mom moved to Canada at 16 alone and built all of this from almost nothing and you have saved that.
Please do not let anyone ever tell you that buying Canadian does not have an impact. Your decision to buy Canadian is changing the lives of small business owners across the country and we will all be forever thankful.
We have been working around the clock to get orders out, replying to emails, comments, and other messages. My mom has hand written a personal thank you note for EVERY single order we have received. There have been lots of happy tears since this past weekend.
To answer some big questions I’ve received:
Our ingredient list did not populate for some reason when making the new website. We’re actively working to fix this. Until then, here is a Google Drive link with the info. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OZbQdhpP3AKR_JXS6NhyMF1obc-Xb1iH/view?usp=sharing
How you can continue to support us: Please talk to your local store managers if they do not carry our products and ask them to carry Aki’s. Consumer requests carry a lot of weight. You can also order directly from us on our website www.akisfinefoods.com
Please follow us on our brand new Instagram @akisfinefoods https://www.instagram.com/akisfinefoods/ we will be posting lots of fun recipes and updates on when we can ship to our US friends.
Don’t know what to get? Send me a DM and I’ll help curate an adventure for you based off of your preferred spice levels. We have something for everyone!
Lastly, a huge shoutout to my husband for letting me repost this on his account after I got my main account banned for too many replies the first time I posted the original.
TLDR: You guys have saved my mom’s business in what feels like overnight. There have been lots of happy tears from my mom and we are just so thankful for your support. Please follow us on Instagram and ask your local store managers to carry our products! Keep buying Canadian, you have the power to change lives.
In the comments she gave a coupon code for Aki fine foods.
“ALSO: Please use code BuyCanadian20 for 20% off your next order as a special thank you.”
Their gratitude alone is so sweet. I’m so happy this dark time can undo some damage from covid.
I’m so happy for them!
Lastly, a huge shoutout to my husband for letting me repost this on his account after I got my main account banned for too many replies the first time I posted the original.
I’m little suprised that Reddit banned the oop for that reason, what is going on over there? Dont they want more activity on their platform?
I’m going to write to my grocers to request that they carry akisfinefoods.
They don’t want to spend money on moderation. It’s cheaper to to ban everyone who displays “suspicious activity”, probably increasingly based on some machine learning algorithm, than it is to manually assess whether a user is spamming.
They have enough activity and people posting, so this is not a priority for them. What they are interested in is maximizing the number of lurkers/ad consumers. As long as there’s enough content to keep the lurkers addicted they’re happy: Additional comments does not make them money, and close-knit communities that are inaccessible to lurkers might actually decrease profits. Ideally the platform should have a quick, addictive, and impersonal content profile.