I haven’t seen this one mentioned recently, but the brand was recommended to me in years prior. How Canadian are they? (ingredients, manufacturing, packaging etc.)
I found this about ownership: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/windsor/biosteel-energy-athletes-hockey-crosby-dan-company-1.7370856
This Windsor entrepreneur bought the bankrupt BioSteel brand last year
I own another brand called Canadian Protein and this is right in our wheelhouse, and I’ve been owning and operating that brand for years, and this brand is essentially no different.
As for Biosteel
[…] it’s a big brand and has a big footprint still, especially in Canada. We’re expanding into the states. It was large in the states, but it wasn’t doing very well. We’re bringing it back to the states through proper channels where it needs to be profitable in, and everything is going to be made in-house in Windsor, and ship right through the border in Detroit.
I also found this other Bcorp while looking for sources, but I’m not familiar with them: https://simplyprotein.ca/