I’m going with teleportation, I hate driving and public transport
Time manipulation.
Think of all the sleep you’d get
Super Power? LOL bruh, I just want to be cured of my crippling depression and low self-esteem.
But really, healing super powers tho would be cool. Because it seems like a lot of people need healing now, both mentally and physically.
I mean, is omnipotence off the table?
/thread this is the answer
Invisibility. I’m autistic and have terrible social anxiety.
It doesn’t help how I’ve been treated, if you know what I mean.
The ability to manipulate matter at the subatomic level, with explicit accuracy and knowledge.
From there, I’d be able to pretty much solve any problem.
Enemy? Turn them to goo. Or brain hemorrhage. Or invert their genitals. Explosive toenails. Literally shit for brains. Boobs on the head.
Sick? Convert the virus to vitamins or something.
Hungry? Food.
Solve pollution.
Aging? Reverse oxidants etc…
whatever it is dr manhattan has going on.
solid choice!
To be able to remove ignorance from people
That’s probably the least possible of all the superpowers listed here.
Probably just that head exploding chick from The Boys. Ignorance removed.
Probably full on self healing like wolverine or deadpool.
Ability to reassemble atoms and bonds at will.
I mean I’ve literally just solved resource scarcity.
The ability to never accidentally say something stupid
Easy, just intentionally say stupid things all the time
It’s the dream!
For me, there’s no answer but a healing factor. Anything else, here in the real world, is sub par in the long term.
Boring but prudent. You seem like my kind of person.
NGL though, I would jam knives through my hands and cosplay wolverine
I totally support you on this
No longer needing sleep or a consistent diet
Technomancy: control over machines and electronics
I’d use it for selfish reasons:
Insurance claims getting denied? “Oh! the system says that’s an approved procedure”
Low on funds? That ATM over there is vomiting cash
Need to sneak into a place? The cameras are showing a normal empty hallway
Credit card debt? Not when the system shows that you paid it off already
To remain individualistic in a secluded society