Viewers are flocking to “independent” media that serves up a never-ending stream of anti-Trump content. But this stuff is intellectual poison and may even help the right.

    4 days ago

    Calling them blue maga is some removed shit though,

    You know its funny right. Because the only people who say that are the ones who take it personally.

    For those not in the cult, it is a very useful and accurate term. Whoopi said she would vote for Biden if he personally shit himself on stage (on the view). She opposed removing him as the candidate to an audience of millions. How many people did she convince to vote for Biden with her perspective? And when we look at the kind of behavior, like insisting on running an obviously failed candidate well past the point of even being able to recover, an insistence on strategies and approaches that did not work in the past, that were not working then, and that obviously weren’t going to work in the future: how can we classify such a movement as anything other than cultlike?

    And PodSave, I mean they were that movements vanguard. And they pretty much lost the election for us. Blue MAGA as a movement, they precluded us having a robust primary because “of course we should just run the incumbent”. They precluded us swapping out the candidate when they were’ obviously floundering in the polls (ages before the meltdown Biden had on stage). They insisted we had to do almost every bad idea, because of their fundamental strategy: any blue would do.

    But it turns out, any blue wont do. Candidates actually have to be grounded in the needs of the people they are asking to elect them.

    And if you were / are Blue MAGA (which if podSave was/ is your primary source for poltiical interpretation, you almost assuredly are), sad day for you, and sad day for all of us.

    Blue MAGA as a movement were wreckers who destroyed our ability to stop the death cult of the Republican party with their half-a-loaf, warmed over neoliberalism. On their insistence of decorum. On their wait your turn approach to leadership.

    If that was you, the current state of things rests on your shoulders. Trump was as unpopular as Biden last election. And we lost because of Blue MAGA.

      3 days ago

      I think you’re projecting your own frustrations about the Democratic leadership because most of what you’re saying is wrong. There was a lot more discourse and a lot less defense than you’re remembering.

      I’m not sure what your definition of Blue Maga is. But if it’s accusations against anyone that doesn’t support whatever you think with undying loyalty, that sounds like you. I’m not saying that the absolute defense people doesn’t exist, but that’s not them. And your absolutism is just as bad as what you’re complaining about.

        3 days ago

        Its pretty clear you don’t really know what you are talking about. Ask around. Its a thing. And the thing is the definition I’m giving you. I’ve been posting on this exact topic here, to originally, a chorus of downvotes, and more recently, a growing chorus of support, for years. And I’ve specifically used the language Blue MAGA/ BNMW. The term has been around for over a decade.

        Your ignorance isn’t a form of evidence; nothing I’m saying is wrong, its just not a telling of history you would learn on PodSave.

          3 days ago

          It’s pretty clear you’re going to hear whatever you want from me and anyone else. You’re no different from what you’re attacking.

            3 days ago

            I mean you out here trying to tell me a thing isn’t a thing. Bruh, its been a thing for almost 10 years. You being ignorant of that is on you brother. That it makes you uncomfortable you might be the thing: it changes nothing.




            Since you #BlueMAGA, I suppose appeals to authority are your bag. Here’s an article from Mehdi Hassan on the matter:

            The gaslighters prayer

            1. That didn’t happen.
            2. And if it did, it wasn’t that bad.
            3. And if it was, that’s not a big deal.
            4. And if it is, that’s not my fault. 👈 we are here
            5. And if it was, I didn’t mean it.
            6. And if I did, you deserved it.
              3 days ago

              I see multiple different definitions of what “blue maga” is in your post between denial and pro-Trump rhetoric. And your laundry list in the first pic straight up shows how full of shit you are.

              You’re a lot closer to MAGA than any of the shit you’re claiming. Complete with conspiracy theories, denialism, and again baseless accusations.

                3 days ago
                1. That didn’t happen.
                2. And if it did, it wasn’t that bad.
                3. And if it was, that’s not a big deal.
                4. And if it is, that’s not my fault.
                5. And if it was, I didn’t mean it.
                6. And if I did, you deserved it. 👈 we are here

                I mean what more should I expect from BlueMAGA? No critical analysis. First its that the thing doesn’t exist. Then its not a big deal. Then i’m just like them. Bruh you need to critically assess how you got to be this broken in your thought patterns.

                We lost this election because people confuse the sensation of understanding for actually understanding, its what BlueMAGA thrives on, the sensation that they’ve got it right, in-spite of the decades of evidence to the contrary, and its precisely what shows like podSave have to offer.

                And you just offended that you were identified and called out for it. Thats all this is. And 3 months ago, 6 months ago, I’d be facing a brigade of down votes agreeing with you. The same blue-maga down voters who told us we had to run Biden in Feb 24. That we just had to. That of course he should run, he’s the incumbent. Its exactly what podSave was putting out. Then it was that it was too late to swap. Then when we were swapping, it was that we just had to accept Kamala as she was. That we couldn’t and shouldn’t try to move her to more electable positions. All that bullshit.

                And they were wrong. And I made the point to make the point of announcing that they were wrong, loudly, for the previous 8 years. And even more loudly in 2024. Idk much about you. Ain’t even clicked your account yet. But no one here would be mistaken on the positions I’ve taken on the matter, here. So your little “errr your one like maga” shit ain’t gonna fly.

                But not no more. People are starting to see BlueMAGA for what they are. A failed political project. The fact is that the world has seen through BlueMAGA’s bullshit. Its obvious that the podSave, Obama, Hillary, Biden, Harris approach to politics ain’t worth shit. It was always selection bias on their part, waking up on third base thinking they scored a triple. So miss me with that bullshit.

                But when I do click on your account what will I find? I do wonder. I do wonder.

                  3 days ago

                  That of course he should run, he’s the incumbent. Its exactly what podSave was putting out. Then it was that it was too late to swap. Then when we were swapping, it was that we just had to accept Kamala as she was. That we couldn’t and shouldn’t try to move her to more electable positions. All that bullshit.

                  None of that is true. I listened to every episode and it was CONSTANTLY a discussion. Should he drop out? Does it matter if he should, because he isn’t? Is it too late? Does it matter if it’s too late because it’s better than Biden? Should there be a discussion on who replaces him? Does it matter since nobody is stepping up? Does Kamala actually need a primary challenger to prove she could handle it (or that she couldn’t)?

                  I think you focus on the times that they said, what is the reality of the situation and what do you do with that. And you’re ignoring the rest of the times where they were discussing everything else.