The border between Mexico and America has a long history of bootleggers, drug traffickers and gun runners. Now egg smugglers can be added to that list.
The border between Mexico and America has a long history of bootleggers, drug traffickers and gun runners. Now egg smugglers can be added to that list.
A good egg replacement is fish. Canned fish can do if you can stomach it. Also artisanal cheeses like Brie or Camembert (I’m sure local American farmers make some). It’s hard to replace eggs properly, they are nature’s vitamin boosters.
A friend of mine has sworn by canned sardines for years.
They are great! I prefer canned herring, but sardine is a very close second.
Some of them are really good. The aversion to canned fish is largely very American and I don’t understand where it comes from. There are a wide variety of canned fishes out there; it’s not all Bumblebee tuna.
And they make a fantastic food for your emergency supplies if you are in a disaster-prone area.
We have cut back on our egg usage but I have a vegetarian daughter who doesn’t like beans, and eggs are a significant part of her diet. Obviously she doesn’t eat fish. I have a severe lactose intolerance so there aren’t many cheeses I eat, and even when I do eat something like Gouda or feta it is very small amounts. Also I’ve never seen local brie or Camembert, my wife would love if there was.
Most people don’t consider eggs to be vegetarian. Especially the ones who are vegetarian for animal welfare reasons.
At that point you’re basically vegan
I could suggest buying quails and eating their eggs. My friend did this and the quails fit in a small wood cabin (as small as a dog house). She had fresh eggs everyday. They are low maintenance compared to chickens.