I was shocked at first but then i was like “yeah, sounds right” and then i looked up the word count of this collection of stories and…620,000 words across over 2000 pages.
There’s a Super Smash Bros Brawl fanfiction with over 4.1 million words. It used to hold some kind of unofficial record for the longest piece of english fiction, but I think there’s longer ones out there now.
It had been a long battle for survival, but he managed to stop the imbeciles from defeating him for real. Tabuu, though, had been weakened during the battle. As he floated along in the void of the Subspace surrounded by darkness and swirling purple and blue colors, he reflected on the disastrous end of the battle.
Master Hand had shown up right before Tabuu could terminate the big group of Smashers. As a last ditch attempt, the omnipotent hand used his space-bending powers to recall each one of the Smashers to their worlds, back into the past before they participated in the Brawl tourney and the war against the Subspace Army. He then called Crazy Hand, and both of them escaped from Tabuu’s clutches, effectually putting a sudden end to the conflict for the time being…
Oh. Oh dear oh deary dear… there are millions of these words.
There were at least 4 books from what I remember. They made physical hardback copies so you could enjoy an MLP fanfic for the low low cost of $120!
I was shocked at first but then i was like “yeah, sounds right” and then i looked up the word count of this collection of stories and…620,000 words across over 2000 pages.
War and Peace only has 587,000.
amazed. I’m amazed. Thanks for showing me this.
There’s a Super Smash Bros Brawl fanfiction with over 4.1 million words. It used to hold some kind of unofficial record for the longest piece of english fiction, but I think there’s longer ones out there now.
Oh. Oh dear oh deary dear… there are millions of these words.
What in the cursed hell is this
Fallout with no brakes and ponies.
Fat roman larpers fuck mutant ponies or something probably.
If this was in stock right now I’d be down $120.
How are the rights holders for MLP and Fallout not suing the shit out of this publisher?