• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I’ve delved down this hole myself in recent months because it’s fun. YouTube channels I’d recommend for people wanting to laugh at flerfers:

    The ones I can think of off the top of my head are: SciManDan, Creaky Blinder, Conspiracy Toonz, David McKeegan and Fight The Flat Earth (FTFE). I’ve also been watching a lot of Planet Peterson lately, but his way of doing things is very much “say something stupid and I will verbally lay into you until you admit you’re a fucking dumbass” which I’m sure can grate on some people and make him come across as very obnoxious and rude.

    But they will all help educate you on why flat earth (and other conspiracies aside) are stupid, to varying degrees, espeically Dave McKeegan if you’re into photography.

  • IndiBrony@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldCities these days
    3 days ago

    You were lucky!

    Back in my day there were 7 of us living inside a brick shithouse. We had to clean it with the one toothbrush we all had, eat the crumbs from the crust of the stale bread, go to work down pit at 4am for 18 hours a day, every day, and when we got home, our Dad would chase us down street hurling bricks at us from the shit brickhouse then make us build it up again before we could go to sleep!

  • So there are many things we can observe which prove that we live on a static plane.

    The first and most obvious point is the lack of movement. Can you feel the Earth move? No. Yet we’re told it rotates at 1000mph at the equator!

    (image from newscientist.com)

    Have you ever seen water sticking to the surface of a spinning ball? Especially one that spins at 1000mph? You haven’t!

    Even without the rotation, the water would simply drip off the bottom!

    But into what? Into space?! Don’t be silly. There’s no such thing! Remember, there is no evidence that you can’t have atmosphere next to a vacuum. It has to be in a container! Hence we are surrounded be an ethereal dome, which separates the heavens from the Earth, which you can read about in the Bible. You don’t need to be Christian to know the truth, but it does help!

    It is the firmament which holds back the waters of heaven and contains our atmosphereflat atmosflat, because the earth is flat not a globe - it’s a PLANEt.

    “But!” I hear you cry, “Where are the Sun and Moon if not in space?! Where are the planets and stars??!” Don’t worry. I’ve got you covered! They are all lights! Against the background of the firmament, like one of those night lights for kids that display pictures on the ceiling of their bedroom. It’s very comforting to know God is giving us our own night light, and of course giving us the biggest light in the sky!

    “But doesn’t the Earth orbit the Sun?” - No! The Sun orbits the Earth, the same way the Moon does! They’re also both the same size, hence eclipses.

    The planets and stars you see at night are all really small. All the images you’ve seen from NASA are fake. Look with your eyes, look with a Nikon P900! Below is an ACTUAL picture of Mars taken with a Nikon P900. Does it look like a ‘big space ball’ to you? It looks like a light to me! Stars are the same thing, just a different colour!

    “But we’ve been to Mars! We have a rover on Mars right now!” You think this is Mars? No. This is Nevada! Area 51 is where they do all the NASA fakery relating to Mars.

    We have never been to Mars the same way we’ve never been to the Moon. It’s not a solid object. I’m not going to get into the whole “Moon Landing” thing right now as it’s not relevant to proving the earth ~is flat~ isn’t a globe. Instead I want to draw your attention to this boat!

    This is a neat boat, huh?

    Where are you going Mr Boat?

    Oh, you’re going over the horizon? That’s cute. Don’t go too far or you might hit the Ice Wall!

    Watch him slowly disappearing! Not over the horizon, though, because that’s silly. It’s your perspective playing tricks on you! Look what happens when we zoom back in with our trusty P900:

    Oh hey! Look at that! He’s no longer over the horizon! Thank you, Nikon, for providing us with such an amazing Globe-busting tool of the people!

    Put that telescope away, silly science man! Look at how silly that looks!

    You should join the Flat Earth Society. We have members all across the Globe!