Your dreams and imagination evolved as a view into another universe. As with the current beliefs, you cannot decipher technical information – no words in books, no details of how devices work, so even if you can describe things you see from another place, you could not reproduce a working version.

Now how do you convince others that the things your are seeing are really happening without being labeled insane? And how could you use this information to benefit yourself or others? Take a peek into the multiverse to see how other versions of yourself have solved these problems…

  • MrGG
    2 years ago

    Where’s my ring?!

    Also, we’re all working poor. Wealth has transferred to the hands of a few. Of course some of us have slightly more than others, but from the perspective of those with all the wealth we’re all just living on pennies.

    I’m sure you have SOME kind of skills that could be marketable if massaged the right way, no?

    • Dharma
      2 years ago

      32, halfway through a bachelor’s in creative writing, mainly worked as a security guard (read receptionist), cashier, and inbound call centers. :/

      But fr, how does one woo a Canadian for citizenship? Teach me, and I promise I will make the daily offering to Tim Horton and eat the ritual poutine at least once weekly!

      • MrGG
        2 years ago

        You made it halfway through a bachelor’s in creative writing, that’s an accomplishment in itself! Have you tried to get work adjacent to what you were studying in school? Applied for any remote copy editing work? You have skills, you just have to develop them and promote yourself.

        hah, fun fact, I don’t think I went to Tim Horton’s until I was like… 22 maybe? I grew up in downtown Toronto and there were just none in the city, they were always more rural / small town and highway rest stations kind of thing. They eventually started popping up in the city, and I tried them a few times, but they’re mostly garbage. To me Tim Horton’s is the place where rural / small town people stop in the morning for a quick and cheap drive-through cup of coffee on their way to the farm or whatever it is rural people do. They always pop up on road trips though, so when you’ve been on the road for a while they can seem like a bit of an oasis, which is probably how they’ve stayed in business all these years. I don’t really drink coffee and have heard their coffee is garbage, their baked goods are mediocre at best, and their food is questionable. I see they’re in the US now – I wonder if they’re any better down there?

        I also think I’ve had poutine maybe once in my life, and it wasn’t even real poutine (you’d need to go to Québec for that), it was knock off poutine in downtown Toronto that drunk weekend clubbers and the like seem to buy a lot of.

        All important bits of information if you’re going to marry a Canadian. 😛 There are a lot of other requirements beyond just marriage, also:

        Real talk though: start making friends with people in the community in Toronto or Montréal, and try to visit to see if you even like it here. Toronto is kind of like… if you took the lower part of Manhattan and made it even more devoid of culture. Toronto has changed a lot in the last 10 years. There are still some nice communities, but it seems like (downtown at least) everyone is a 20-something impossibly rich young professional living in tiny $1m - $1.5m condos, and hate everything but love to show off on social media. Perpetual big FOMO energy, too. All the artists, counter-culturists, etc have left the city. Even our famous gay neighbourhood “The Village” is shrinking and being replaced with unaffordable condo buildings. Montréal is still beautiful and full of lovely people but there can be a bit of friction if you refuse to even attempt to understand French (though that is rare) and people are slowly being pushed out by unaffordable housing there too. The only other city in Canada I’ve spent time in is Vancouver and if you’re not already independently wealthy it’s near impossible to survive in now, but it’s fucking beautiful.