I know I’m hurtling into being a middle aged grump because I still don’t really understand what Roblox is, and at this point I don’t care enough to try and find out.
Roblox in quite similar to Garry’s Mod; it’s a creative platform for you to build your own games/experiences from. Whether that means just playing with the vast catalog of content others have created or diving into the code and creating your own content.
It really doesn’t matter.
this video and the original video (in the description of this video) goes into some of the worst parts of roblox, but basically its all just a scam.
Briggs was reportedly all the more disturbed after receiving a private message from Shea informing her that he’d have even more time to play now that he had received tenure.
I’m still laughing about that.
I played Roblox for the first time at 43. My kid took me on a tour of Mystery Flesh Pit National Park. It was a lot of fun and the game captured the grossness and terror pretty well.
Listen mate, I only try the damn games to show the kids I am interested in their hobbies, but there will be no Roblox in this house.
In modern age if there is a group of children around then there is a pedo pack orbiting it.
The only solutionbis the woodchopper and I am tired of pretending it aint so.
We are literally ruled by pedophiles and then everyone surprised who would do this to the kids.