BSG… Big Scary Guy? Boobs Sex Guns? Beavers Selling Green? Brave Snew Gworld?
No offense, but your post reads like a military dudebro’s war story. Introduce initialisms the first time, please. I knew a few of them through context clues, but not everyone will.
BSG… Big Scary Guy? Boobs Sex Guns? Beavers Selling Green? Brave Snew Gworld?
No offense, but your post reads like a military dudebro’s war story. Introduce initialisms the first time, please. I knew a few of them through context clues, but not everyone will.
You are correct. My apologies. I tend to presume that most people here are similar is likes/dislikes to me. That’s a me problem.
BSG - Battlestar Galactica TNG - Star Trek: The Next Generation DS9 - Star Trek: Deep Space Nine SG1 - Stargate SG-1