I got some thc oil with cbn in it as well for sleep. I’ve been taking a full draw of the syringe and I sit there and wait for it to kick in and it does almost nothing. So I doubled it up last night and still nothing. I do it on an empty stomach so that it goes into my system faster. But I’ve also read that doing it with food works better. Not sure what to think.
Try it with something fatty like a peanut butter cracker.
I may have some bad news, but it depends. Have you ever had success with normal edibles? If not, you may have a rare enzyme (or lack thereof) that results in not being able to process cannabinoids entirely.
Source: wife has the same issue. It’s been a while, but even with zero tolerance rn, if I took even a quarter syringe draw it would make me functionally useless for a good while. A full draw should be putting you out like a light.
Hard to say. I just started using it again after 5 years. The first time I took it last week, I took one full draw. Got me pretty fuzzy. Since then I haven’t been able to get it one time. Even though I’ve increased the dose significantly since that first time. But back in the day, like 5 years ago, I didn’t have this issue. I remember it wouldn’t last long, but I could still get there. Now it’s like I feel kinda tired and sluggish, but not much else.
Hmm. I like the other users’ suggestions of both sublingual and with fatty foods, that’s a start. Bad batches are always possible too! Whats the ratio on the bottle supposed to be? Sounds like the cbn is working but not the thc
It’s 50/50 thc and cbn. The thc did get me high one time though so I know it’s in there.
I assume you just bought regular over the counter oil with the bare minimum levels of THC like 0.25% and high amounts of CBN. Its not meant to get you high really. You were lucky to even get buzzed first time around.Your best bet is sublingual where you hold it under your tounge as long as you can stand before swallowing the oil.
If you want to get high with good cannabanoid oil you need to make it yourself with sme thca hemp flower and fill up some gelatin pill capsules to lock down a proper dose.
I think mine is half thc hald cbn
Have you considered using it sublingually?
I’d reevaluate your dose down prior maybe, but you may find better (or different, faster) absorption that way.
So under the tongue? How long do i hold it there for? I tried that a bit but not much happened. Just took two syringe fulls under my tongue and left it there for like 30 seconds
i hold it under my tongue as long as i can. it makes me salivate, though, so i always wind up swallowing after 5 min or so. also, i have a high tolerance so i take a much larger dose than you describe (not advocating that, just sayin’). one thing i’ve found is that the difference between not enough and too much is pretty small, so increase your dose with caution. it can be a pretty anxious hour when i take too much.