It symbolises the differences between future harmonious starfleet and rugged, post-WW3 humanity rubbing up against the greater galactic community.
Humanity has to believe in itself before other races would.
I didn’t like it at first either, until I thought about it.
Thanks for coming to my FED talk.
I was a band kid when Enterprise first came out and I didn’t like that it didn’t have an orchestral score either. But honestly, it grew on me. As did the show. It’s one of those things that we didn’t know how good we had it until it was gone.
This is how I understood it as well. But I still hate the later version.
… also turns up the volume to ten and snaps off the knob so you can’t turn it down again.
*shoves theme songs out of the way and plays Ooby Dooby followed by Magic Carpet Ride
This is the only correct personification of faith of the heart in comparison with other star trek themes.
This is the only correct Okana-fication of faith of the heart in comparison with other trek themes.
But what about Okana at the Starfleet Command Party representing our acceptance:
Or much less attractive PRO Okana, representing the season 3 theme change?