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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • Were there words in the image you didn’t understand?

    There’s plenty of good reasons to talk shit about trump, but my state’s leadership seems completely inempt and now I might lose my house.

    Unfortunate, but not relevant. Canadians are helping fight the fires while Trump is antagonizing them.

  • Joining the death cult means you support the proliferation of guns which have cost us over a million lives so far in the last twenty years.

    Your opinion, not reason. And a stupid opinion. Everyone coming for queer people will have guns. You just want them to sit there and die.

    It is clear people don’t really care about human life who suckle on the teat of the gunsexual movement.

    True. That is a sickness in American culture that queer people have no power to change. Their choice is life or death. You keep insisting they should choose death and then say they’re joining a death cult for trying to choose life lol.

    Their is no real logic here only pure propaganda and indoctrination into a cult that sacrifices a thousand children every year on their altar of lies and deceit.

    There is very simple logic here and despite the volume of words you’ve spewed forth you haven’t refuted any of it. Queer people are a minority. They cannot change American gun culture. The people Trump empowers hate them and they all have guns. Maybe having guns will work as deterrent, or maybe not, but you insist they should just sit there passively and die. No part of that is logic.

  • A tyrant trying to annex or invade another country isn’t exactly a distraction. It’s a serious issue.

    This is Trump’s MO since 2016, though. The media still hasn’t caught up, and insists on treating him like a normal politician, which makes it super easy for him to manipulate. Many of the press also love Trump since it’s super easy to get a headline out of him.

    Take for example the “Trump refused to rule out military force to take Greenland” articles that the press are breathlessly pumping out. Reporters, at this point, understand full well that Trump will never rule out military action in any situation (ruling out military action is for pussies). So any reporter can walk up to him and as “are you ruling out military force in order to ___”. The answer will always be no, and they have a headline that will generate clicks. Everybody wins - Trump gets to continue pretending to be tough, and the reporter got their headline.

    The counterpoint to all this of course is that the president refusing the rule out military action to annex an ally is actually news. But in this case it’s easily manufactured news.

    It’s just a matter of time until a reporter asks Trump whether he’ll rule out military action to punish Democrats. The answer will again be no. Another week of headlines.

    Meanwhile once he actually takes power, all this noise will provide great cover for the GOP to do what they usually do - make rich people richer.

  • Most aircraft are pressurized to 8000 feet, yes. Exceptions are the 787 and I believe some of the newer airbus models that are pressurized to 6000ft. It makes it more comfortable for passengers . One of the reasons this has been difficult to do until recently is that the fuselage undergoes a pressure cycle each time to aircraft takes off and lands which eventually causes metal fatigue and failure. The newer aircraft incorporated a lot of composite materials in their fuselage construction which aren’t as vulnerable to this particular type of failure, so they can safely pressurize to a higher relative pressure.

  • I’ll just point out again that the military force thing is a manufactured headline. Reporters at this point know that Trump isn’t going to rule out military force in any situation (ruling out military force is for pussies). So any reporters can just ask him “do you rule out military force in order to___” and the answer is always no and they get the headline they want. Easier than real journalism, I guess.