So as we’re all trying to cut America out of our lives at this instance, one of my soft spots is YouTube. I spend likely too much time there following different creators.
I know there are some peertube instances that exist, however looking through them they all seem very very specific to their niche. Does anyone know of a PeerTube instance that is both Canadian and ‘General’ content?
I have an annual subscription that goes until November or something like that, but I set up some youtube ad blocker on my pihole system. Once the subscription is up I will not be bothered by ads. I paid for premium even though I could have put in the effort to block the ads because I believed the creators deserved to get paid, and premium pays them a little more.
I am sure the Google pays them even if there is an ad blocker but just not as much.
Another option is to support the creators you enjoy by giving through their preferred donation platform. Even a small donation likely provides more support than a few watches with ads or premium on.
I block ads on everything I’m able to and donate through Patreon or other platforms instead.
Premium was all I could afford, if I could afford patron for all the favourite content creators I follow.