The reporters also published an AHS internal price comparison for surgical facilities “that shows the proposed projects in Red Deer and Lethbridge were negotiating rates far higher than what a competitor in Calgary is paid. Further, the fees on the table surpassed what it costs AHS to perform the same surgeries, according to the internal document.”

“AHS pays $4,833 for a shoulder replacement, while private facilities under ASI were negotiating rates as high as $11,243,” the union representing paramedics and other health care professionals said, citing the Globe report. “Similar overcharges exist for hip and knee replacements, with private providers consistently charging over twice what it costs AHS to perform the same procedures.”

“This is an outright betrayal of Albertans,” HSAA President Mike Parker said in a forceful news release. “The UCP tells Albertans for-profit health care would save money and cut wait times through innovation, but instead, we have an out-of-control system where taxpayer dollars are being funneled into private pockets at double the cost. This is not innovation – this is profiteering at its worst.”