I hand folks particles all of the time, why aren’t you?
[insert frame from Event Horizon with the captain handing us his eyes here]
I don’t see any frame
It is exceedingly (and exquisitely) graphic, I’d rather not force it on people:))
Consider it an endorsement for the film if you’re not familiar, though! Go into it with zero expectations, and especially if you’re into 40k and immune to plot holes!:))
Wait, I was making a play on your comment. But thanks for the endorsement, I’ll consider it!
Dammit, I’m bad at recognising jokes in writing, sorry=))
Worth it! It’s a cult movie, but it’s deservedly so!
I doubt Tim Allen even believes in science
He believes in trafficking cocaine
and snitching
Is the guy on the right on White Lotus S03?
Mister Jurassic Park can be seen in Peaky Blinders
I will always love him from Hunt for red October, poor man just wanted to move to Montana