I bet he’s thinking of other removed
Zsh autocompletes lowercase input to the correct file or folder name when using tab. It’s great!
Rockstar uses these, but 30 of them, and each one asks for undivided attention. Count all visible sides of the dice, showing 6 different pictures of dice and then you have to choose 1 that matches the shown number. 30 times. Fuck that. I haven’t been able to play GTA5 since.
Just know this isn’t a universal layout and depends on the distro.
This isn’t 2D… I think of Mario or Sonic as 2D, what’s this though, isometric?
Grandma’s wartime recipe is this, but instead of ketchup you add canned concentrated tomato and equal amounts of water (just full the can once with water again, helps to get the last bit out) and that’s it. We call it red spaghetti, I make it for my kids from time to time, but this variation:
Grandma also added meatballs. Bake the small meatballs in a saucepan and when they’re done, do the tomato thing in that pan, stir well, then add to spaghetti. Can’t lose the grease, amirite…
Now I’m curious how this detection would work.
A billionaire can’t be bought, they got billions. It’s the dictator that can be bought.
Is this important enough to interrupt someone, as to call it breaking?
What exactly is it breaking from? It’s not interrupting a running program on tv that would warrant the term breaking.
I played this game so much I can hear this
On ext4 drives 5% is reserved for the system in emergencies. Since disks are getting larger over the year, 5% is a pretty big chunk. It’s possible to tell the system to use a lower reserve. It’s the only instance I know where you can seemingly gain more storage out of thin air. I’ve used it in moments of emergencies when a servers’ disk was too full to function.
Spread your wings
It’s a hard life
These are the days of our lives
Doing alright
You take my breath away
All dead, all dead
Save me
Cool cat
Is this the world we created
Don’t try so hard
I’m not American, what ice cream flavor do you put in?
Is that cola and whipped cream?
Aren’t they closing?
Veloren is an action-adventure role-playing game set in a vast fantasy world.
Hearing this as Beavis and Butthead