Tired of unaccountable “majority” governments elected with 40% of the vote?
The Ontario Green Party and Ontario NDP commit to proportional representation to make every vote count.
Nothing from the Ontario Liberal Party and Ontario PCs.
Read more:
Ontario Parties on Electoral Reform
Ontario PC: Nothing in platform. Ford is on record as opposed to electoral reform.
Ontario NDP: ✅Mixed Member Proportional Representation
Ontario Liberal: Nothing in platform. Bonnie Crombie previously said she would support a Citizens’ Assembly.
Ontario Greens: ✅Proportional Representation ✅ Citizens’ Assembly on Electoral Reform
Breaking news: “The two parties which benefit most from winner-takes-all system are least incentivized to switch away from said system” More at 23:00.
I think it’s good to know where each party stands on proportional representation. This way it can at least become a factor into people’s voting preferences, and in turn affect what policies candidates endorse.
Yeah, it’s definitely useful to know who our allies are!
Excuse my jaded attitude, but it’s only useful to know until they get into office using FPTP then suddenly find no problems with the current voting system.
I know that pessimism is a natural response, but I don’t see any better way of getting proportional representation (PR). We certainly won’t get PR from candidates who don’t endorse or are against it. I suppose there is the Charter Challenge for Fair Voting, but us ordinary folk can easily choose PR-supporting candidates.
I like to think that this is similar to Gay Marriage. We won’t get improvements in society unless we push for it. The (corrupt) folks on the other side of the argument are putting up a fight, but PR proponents aren’t fighting for just today or for power, we’re fighting for Canada and it’s democracy.
Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, Nothing is going to get better. It’s not.
You’re right, we still should vote and support candidates promoting it. I think I’ve just expended a bit too much hope lately.
Yep, I totally understand how you feel. But you have something most don’t, you’re empowered with knowledge (of our flawed electoral system), and are thus able to act upon it. By being more aware of the reality, you can navigate yourself (and others) towards a better future.
You can’t do much of that if you are burnt out, so please do take care of yourself!
It’s great to see the growing support!
knowing nothing about Canadian politics, I assume it’s more or less a two party system between pc and liberal?
The effective number of parties for Canada is 2.76. In comparison, the US is 2.00.
However, Duverger’s law applies and unless proportional representation is implemented, we will be locked into a two party system. British Columbia is like this, but with the BCNDP and Liberals.