I wanted to know if the first partition has to be FAT32 and should be mounted at /efi . Gentoo and Arch tell us to always have first partition of type FAT32 however they mount it in different location. I am confused can anyone elaborate please?
Yes it must be fat32. I see nothing about it needing to be the first partition. And it documents several mount options.
My understanding is that the mount point mainly depends on the bootloader you choose when setting things up, or updating kernels. It doesn’t matter at boot time.
The efi partition can generally be mounted anywhere, distros may expect it in a specific location.
The efi partition must be fat formatted.
I’m not sure if partition order matters, I think the main thing is setting the boot flag for the efi partition in the partition table.
Only legacy MBR boot requires the boot loader to be at the very beginning of the disk. With GPT and EFI you can make your root the very first partition then have your /boot (and/or) /efi (which has to be fat16 or fat32 depending on partition size, it can be very small and you have the /boot hold your kernels) behind that partition to avoid the ‘to the left of’ issue when resizing partitions, assuming your root filesystem can be resized.
yes to FAT32 but doesn’t have to be first and there can be multiples; I have several EFI partitions (type
) and the picker shows me entries from them all. I usesystemd-boot
and the relevant EFI partition is mounted at/boot
(didn’t like/efi
because I’m used to autocomplete/etc
with tab).