Anduril is scary. They seem able to harness the most elegant technologies that idiot government redneck contractors tended to avoid in years past. I’ve seen them in Haskell and Nix forums offering jobs to morally bankrupt autists FAR too often. Fuck you, Anduril.
Yep, senior Haskell developer here and I have had their recruiters hounding me many times, even though I have told them to fuck off again and again.
I always find it so funny that they chose Haskell. They are desperate to hire, but no one in the Haskell community actually wants to work for them. I’m in a discord server with a bunch of veteran Haskellers and everyone there won’t touch them with a 100ft pole.
Anduril is scary. They seem able to harness the most elegant technologies that idiot government redneck contractors tended to avoid in years past. I’ve seen them in Haskell and Nix forums offering jobs to morally bankrupt autists FAR too often. Fuck you, Anduril.
A friend of mine was working at a company with contracts for them when they released their first drones back in the early days.
At work, they watched the trailer for the fancy drone. (Later that day he would share the same video with me)
He made the joke: “At least we know what will be coming to gun us down in ten years.”
That joke went down like a brick with his coworkers. No one else seemed to understand the severity of what we were buidling up to
Yep, senior Haskell developer here and I have had their recruiters hounding me many times, even though I have told them to fuck off again and again.
I always find it so funny that they chose Haskell. They are desperate to hire, but no one in the Haskell community actually wants to work for them. I’m in a discord server with a bunch of veteran Haskellers and everyone there won’t touch them with a 100ft pole.