Freedoms Greetings Helldivers, Release Captain Carlberg here with the latest and greatest from Super Earth. For this update we also have a special message from High Command. Lets dive in Overview Hello everyone! It’s been an “interesting” week with a patch that had a few unexpected slip-ups. After testing and balancing, the wrong versions of some files for our new Warbond items were shipped, which wasn’t part of the plan.
Nah just give the double a try against bugs or illuminate, shred small stuff, then change targets to medium stuff. Works pretty good with fire resistant armor. The damage increase is also great.
Iirc you hit better breakpoints with 70 (or 65) damage
Double sickle now sucks. The charge up time for armour pen makes it useless vs striders
It did feel too good. Like made the other laser weapons look bad.
With the downgrade in ammo capacity for the grenade launcher they have effectively nerfed both weapons in the war bond.
I’ve not been playing regularly recently but I’m even less interested now.
Nah just give the double a try against bugs or illuminate, shred small stuff, then change targets to medium stuff. Works pretty good with fire resistant armor. The damage increase is also great.
Iirc you hit better breakpoints with 70 (or 65) damage
I think they should buff all lasers, because now all of them are bad again
On the contrary, it now goes up to pen 4 so if you’re willing and able to literally take the heat you can shred them in seconds.
But it starts at light pen same as the sickle. A double should start at medium.
I dare you to stand in front of a hulk or a devastator and get to pen 4 without dieing
Remove the “without dying” part and I have *^*
… or the “devastator” part, I still shred those