Rep. Takano (D-CA) and House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Democrats visit the Department of Education amid reports that the Trump administration intends to dismantle the department without consulting Congress. They are denied access.
Edit: They updated the body to have one now, I originally had to type it out myself from a hover. They have a different headline on the frontpage as well:
Acting Education Secretary Denise Carter was accused by House Oversight Democrats of locking the front doors to the Department of Education and refusing members of Congress public access. Rep. Mark Takano (D-CA) and members of the House Oversight Committee held a press conference where they demanded a meeting with the acting secretary to discuss the Trump administration’s desire to dissolve the department. The members said they wanted to ask the acting secretary in person if she would “comply with an illegal executive order (by President Trump) to shut down the department.” Democrats led a call to action urging Americans to get involved and prevent the funds already allocated to the department by Congress from being diverted to other sectors of the federal government, noting public schools and children with special needs were most at risk
Can we focus on the r’s trying to dismantle our government just for a second?
We are watching the r’s dismantle the government. That’s the problem. My texts and emails are from d’s asking for donations to formulate an idea, but they’re doing nothing else that we can see.
There are over 150,000,000 working age adults in this country who are not registered r’s or leaning r, yet every one of us - including our leaders - are just watching it all go down.
Many of the 150,000,000 would like a plan to take real action.
I don’t know if you looked at the congress lately, but the r’s control everything. The r’s legally cheated with probably some backdoor fuckery. Ignore the emails and focus on screaming loud enough at the r’s that they walk this shit back or the people who are against this sort of shit (most of America) screams louder.
Do you know that I had to type out the headline and body of this text because CSPAN wouldn’t offer it in a way to copy and paste? Salon was the only other place to say anything about this. We are in trouble, for fucking real. Don’t start going after the dems, start screaming to everyone you know because I guarantee that they don’t know this is happening.
Edit: From the salon article: “Inside the building a group of men linked to Musk’s DOGE operation are reportedly accessing student data,…”
They now have all of our education, financial and personal records.
Part of the issue is that Dems, and normal people in general, act like Republicans have any sense of shame, decency and self-awareness. They don’t.
So Dems going in front of the camera trying to shame these people in doing the right thing. It hasn’t work for decades and certainly won’t work now.
So they need to use any and every tools at their disposal, and clash with Republicans. There is no more talking sense that will work.
Focusing on the people who should be doing something is focusing on the issue at hand.
Or do you just expect people to say “The Republicans are awful” and not discuss how to actually stop it because that’s not “focusing on the r’s trying to dismantle our government”
I don’t think you understand. WE are the only people that can do something. It’s to scream at everyone about this. No one knows what’s going on, I guarantee that. They did polls about project 2025 and even trumpers were against it. If everyone knew, this would be stopped. Tell everyone in your circle and outside your circle about this shit.
“Hey, this building is on fire! Stop sitting around asking for money and tell me where to find the extinguisher!”
Can we just focus on the fire?
Yes, let’s focus on the fire because the fire is actually people doing harm and are real people, not some entity that got out of control. Let’s focus on everyone, all of America, going after the r’s. They’ve walked back tons of shit. We can only stop them if we ALL go after them.
Then we agree. Rather than watch what’s happening, let’s focus on what action to take.
Which is?
Exactly. Thank you. We want to know what to do, besides donate to d’s. Will anyone organize a resistance? Could our polite, play-by-the-book-that-was-incinerated leaders maybe just push through the play-acting muskovite incel guard and enter the building, thus displaying a fucking spine? I don’t know what to do because I’m not an elected d. But if I was, I’d know I need to do more than throw up my hands.
Ok, I’m looking at the fire.
This meme is exactly how I can tell that you’re distracting yourself from the real issue. Here is how you can help.
At work:
At home:
And now your comment is helping just as much! I get it!
Well, the Rs do have enablers.