• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Thanks for the input.

    When I use vite + preact + tailwindcss, I can make a simple webpage that loads correctly. I spoke with Cesanta and they also use Preact+TailwindCSS, this is how I knew what to look for at the beginning.

    It is when I start to add things to the Webpage that it starts to fail randomly. Removing the code that cause the crash sometimes fix the issue, other times not. It is hard for me to pinpoint what is causing the issue. My guess is that it’s probably something that I do creates the issue.

    Right now, I restarted a simple webpage with Preact+TailwindCSS and I will stick to these two libraries and see if the issues still appear. That will limit the number of libraries that can cause issues.

  • I cannot share the code unfortunately as this is for a start-up and there is already some identifiable info in the code. The repo is private.

    However, Cesanta provides a lot of examples in their repo Mongoose Library. Cesanta uses a dual license, GPL for anyone to use, or Closed Source if you pay for it. They support a lot of mcu families.

    They also released a Wizard to create a simple interface through their web app. Check them out.

    Edit: I forgot about the initial point. Thanks for the info. I am used to my tools, but webdev is a lot more open-ended, so I got lost pretty hard. I had a lot of libraries in my project, so I’m gonna try to recreate the basic element with Vite.js and Tailwind.css only to limit the number of libraries I depend on, as to limit the error potential.

  • This is a board with limited ressource (2MB of flash, 512k of RAM). When I say embedded, I mean an mcu soldered to the PCB. So docker is a no go. So the only way I can test my webpage on the embedded device is to pack it with the mongoose packer and try it.

    So my setup right now is that I use my laptop as a development machine and the target platform is an Arm M4. So I pack the webpage , which gives me a c file, that I then compile with a crosscompiler and put on my devkit.

    Edit: and I agree that there is most probably an issue with the packer, but I cannot remove the packer from the equation, so this is why I am looking for a more barebone solution.