I agree so much. I can’t understand how apparently most people in the world can stand videos that you can’t seek, pause or change the speed of. And which are all in vertical format!
Everytime i need a reminder or a quick tutorial, everything but videos seems to get burried by google. It became absolute trash, i want to go back to altavista.
I miss blogs.
The same shit but less time consuming.
Videos are a time eater and waster. I can reader faster than you can present it in a video.
I agree so much. I can’t understand how apparently most people in the world can stand videos that you can’t seek, pause or change the speed of. And which are all in vertical format!
Tbf on Tiktok you can seek, pause, and change the speed.
I admit I was talking out of my ass.
I don’t know what app they’re from, but I’ve definitely been sent videos that are the way you described
Trying to look up a concept in civilization 7? Here’s six 20 minute videos. No text. It’s infuriating.
Everytime i need a reminder or a quick tutorial, everything but videos seems to get burried by google. It became absolute trash, i want to go back to altavista.
Blogs are alive and well if you know where to find them, try looking around on neocities