Sometimes I wonder if all the anti French memes on the Internet are planted to keep citizens of other countries from realizing all of the things France is just objectively better at.
We didn’t fully leave Nato, we just left the full integration, and mostly the being dotted with US military bases. But we were still in Nato, but also more independent. When the US got more tame vis à vis the whole cold war hysteria, we integrated a bit more tightly.
At lest that’s how I remember it (reading about it, really). I may have gotten details wrong.
Sometimes I wonder if all the anti French memes on the Internet are planted to keep citizens of other countries from realizing all of the things France is just objectively better at.
Aren’t they a result of the French opposing the Iraq war? Which is one other thing they’re objectively better at.
Plus saying NO to the USA in the fifties/sixties, leaving NATO (which the USA didn’t like) and so on.
We didn’t fully leave Nato, we just left the full integration, and mostly the being dotted with US military bases. But we were still in Nato, but also more independent. When the US got more tame vis à vis the whole cold war hysteria, we integrated a bit more tightly.
At lest that’s how I remember it (reading about it, really). I may have gotten details wrong.
Well France wasn’t in nato, didn’t abide to the famous article 5 for all that time.
And yes, they kicked out the american bases, which obviously the USA disliked.
Did anyone actually invoke the article 5 during that period?
The one time anyone invoked article 5 was the USA after 9/11 in 2001 for what I know.
But that does not make any difference?
No it’s North American bigotry, I’ve heard the term surrender monkeys and other slurs my entire life so it well precedes iraq
Does that imply that France is objectively worse at PR than the rest of us?
Because, I mean, that tracks
Or it just means they’re better at not giving a shit, which I suppose could mean the same thing.