my friend always thinks she’s better than everyone at everything. no matter what i do, I’m useless and horrible at everything to her, and she ditches me because I’m nerdy and not the most popular and because I don’t like sports. she hangs out with the popular girls and talks about me to them and why they should exclude me if I ask to hang out with them.

most of the time, though, she’s nice. it’s only usually in gym class, but it’s been happening a lot lately.

she’s usually nice to me and hangs out regardless of sports or my social status, but like I said, she’s been really rude lately.

she also pushes me and tells me to get out of her face but then says it’s “just a joke”…

    1 month ago

    That’s not how friends treat friends…Especially the last part.

    I won’t claim to know the details of your relationship with them but I think at some point - be it now, in a year, or a decade - you’ll make a true friend and realize you wasted your time on this one-sided friendship.