YES. This is how she behaves!!
nb 01/25
YES. This is how she behaves!!
yeah, she either apologizes because she “can’t control herself” or blames me
she’s actually my “close friend” but I don’t consider her that for obvious reasons
so this is just like textbook narcissism and not just an asshole?
как ты??
ni li pona!!
(its fine!!)
pona tawa sina!!
jan li toki e ni: lipu nasa
(Weird post)
its a rant :,)
nothing they do is ever their fault, and what I do is never good enough for them
sina lape lon tenpo ni?
моя мачеха говорит по-польски но не может писать
sina toki pona mute?
(With fluency)
(i guess not every time but when it’s needed, sure :) )
sina ike ala la, sina ken pana e sona tawa mi
ni li lon, pali e tan sina 😅
mi lukin e ni: jan lon lipu ni toki e toki pona. mi lukin la, mi pali e kulupu ni.
sina ken ala lape tan seme?
i will post!! They’re new!!
i can be hopeful then, im a teen