The patient, a man in his 40s, told the doctors that the nodules had appeared three weeks prior to his hospital visit. After questioning, they determined that the patient had adopted the so-called carnivore diet approximately eight months prior to the appearance of the nodules.
The carnivore diet is a fad diet based on eating large amounts of animal fats and very little of anything else. The patient in this case reported eating nearly 10 pounds of butter, cheese and other fatty foods every day since embarking on the diet—even going so far as to add fat to the hamburgers he consumed daily.
Blood tests showed the patient’s cholesterol was approximately four times normal levels. The doctors diagnosed the patient with xanthelasma, a condition in which yellowish deposits of cholesterol build up in various parts of the body—in this case, on the palms, the soles of his feet and his elbows. His case had progressed to the point that some of the cholesterol was pushing through cracks in the skin.
This guy eats 10 lbs of food a day? That seems like a lot regardless of whether it’s all fat and meat or not.
“The patient in this case reported eating nearly 10 pounds of butter, cheese and other fatty foods every day since embarking on the diet”
What the fuck. No way that’s true.
Didn’t know ‘carnivores’ exclusively ate such high amounts of processed fat. Quit calling it that.
I think the movement is largely a reactionary counter to veganism. To them, butter and milk aren’t vegan… therefore they are fair game for carnivores!
I think it is just a spin off of the paleo diet, one focused on fats and protein. Yah it is low or no carb but that is unhealthy and abnormal. You’ll go into ketosis for a while but the diet is so restrictive most folks can’t stick to it.
Milk and butter aren’t vegan to anyone… ?
They’re okay for a vegetarian diet as opposed to a vegan one.
There’s also quite a lot of different types, like the “basic” one is lacto-ovo-vegetarians, meaning they just don’t eat meat of any sort, but eggs and dairy is fine. There’s also pescetarians, who don’t generally eat meat but do eat fish. (I don’t know how they define that, as fish, beavers, muskrats, and capybaras are acceptable to eat on the Fridays leading up to Easter in Catholicism for example)
But I do take your point about “carnivore” being inaccurate for them. Perhaps “lacto-ovo-carnivore”?
Right, maybe you would have interpreted my comment correctly if I had typed “milk and butter are not vegan. To them, therefore, they are fair game to any carnivores.”
10 pounds of butter is like 32,000 calories… Call that a dirty bulk.
He must have had very adventurous shitting sessions.
Meat constipation. Guy must burned off 500 calories just pushing it out.
Chasing satiety, when one fucking potato would have done it
He was probably not fat enough to be a “proper American” and wanted to fix that.
My dude is feeding himself like someone is trying to make human Foie gras, even his skin has marbling.
Kind of like a mellified man, but with fat instead of honey.
“Pulse: 300! Liver: Failing! Cholestorol: 40?”
“That’s not so bad…”
“No, 40 lbs!”
Eating only one thing to the exclusion of everything else causes weird problems? The hell you say!
I mean, I only eat pizza, but it’s fine, unlike stupid carnivores or vegans. You see, pizza inherently contains all the food groups, and one piece of pizza is shaped like the food pyramid, so it is, in fact, a good, balanced diet.
That would be funny if I didn’t know people that actually said it with conviction.
Seriously. You can’t assume someone is being sarcastic when it comes to food. All sorts of crazy ideas out there.
FDA says pizza is a vegetable. It is the perfect, nutritionally balanced food.
I hosted my younger brother fora few months and he almost exclusively ate frozen pizza, with the occasional taco bell run 😬
course, I’m not much better. I eat turkey sandwiches with veggie soup every dinner, with a big bowl of oatmeal every morning. It’s been OK thus far, but sometimes I wonder what else my body craves, and if it is, indeed, brawndo
That’s smart. You can evolve so much you get rid of cholesterol through your skin? Doctors hate him!
He craps out of his mouth too!
Studies of ancient people like Ötzi and dental plaque on Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal teeth show that the whole idea of a meat only paleo diet is bogus. They were eating plenty of grains and other plants too.
There’s no society that was carnivorous and lived long. Connecting the Inuit peoples, who largely subsisted off of meat, to Canadian society gave them access to canned veggies which increased their average life span by decades. You need to eat plants whereas you can eat animals.
There you have it, the nurture path for wagyu human. His marbling must be off the hook.
Dudes literally leaking his own yolk
How was he even still alive? He’s a natural wonder, he belongs in a museum.
He already took care of the embalming too !
What a beta male.
Those nodules wouldn’t dream of growing on us sigma ones.
Dude looks like the inside of a popcorn bag.
I would not call this a “carnivore” diet. This was about eating fat.
Man ate so much butter it’s leaking out of his skin
I suspect they were not following the diet correctly. 🧐
How do you eat the diet in question‽ Like, first of all that sounds like so fucking much food, but then it also sounds gross, and beyond that eventually you’re going to need to shit and I can’t imagine it’s pleasant when that’s what you eat like