I am fascinated to find one of the dedicated troll accounts coming in to spend some time debating with multiple people with mostly reasoned conversation on this topic.
Go look at this person’s history. I defy you to find some other instance of them calmly debating on any topic with this many messages or with this level of thought and responsiveness. Mostly, they are busy getting banned from [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], for tossing in little one-off missives like:
The areas of Ukraine that were liberated by Russia genuinely prefer to not be ruled by nazis. That US calls all elections/referendums it disagrees with corrupt is just brazen US corruption. Ukraine’s nazi roots and current apartheid nazi laws and national holiday additions leave zero debate on the issue. Google can help you.
98% of Crimeans voting to join Russia over being ruled by nazis, with western/CIA agency polling support for the result, is just part of the pure US empire propaganda to deny all election results it disagrees with. Trusting your media and politicians is the source of your misinformed hatred and abuse from the Empire.
So why is this part of your busy schedule, posting defenses of the slrpnk moderators on what seems like a pretty minor normal-fare-for-PTB issue?
That extremist CIA PTB subs support the most absurd western warmongering propaganda with bans to protect their demonic world views is not reason to bring them up this thread.
OP seems to be mad that something positive was posted. I’m just defending the post, and it is excessive to call it misinformation. Mod ban did cite “pattern” I did not investigate. My fairly neutral/reasoned post is downvoted here.
See, this is what I was talking about: Just some lazy collections of semi-word-salad that make a vague and hostile attempt to support whatever pro-Russia viewpoint, and then on to the next comment. It makes it all the more anomalous that as far as I can tell the only time when you’ve ever stepped out of that mode, slowed down and made a serious effort to engage with other people and present a clear argument in detail, because you care about being believed, it was in defense of the slrpnk moderators, all of a sudden at random. When I don’t think you’ve ever shown an intense interest in Lemmy-drama or indeed any other non-geopolitical topic before.
I didn’t think OP’s post was anything other than some random Lemmy-drama about short-sighted moderation, and I still don’t. This part is a lot more interesting.
You want a world where all anti-Russia disinformation is unchallenged. In addition to war not benefitting Americans/west in any way, it is responsible for massive diesel use, that has put diesel/home heating fuel at near global refining capacity and a factor on inflation. The relationhip to energy/transition is that despite some global progress on energy, 2024 had record increase in CO2, largely due to war and forest fires. Demonic war propaganda is in fact humanity diminishing climate terrorism, as human sustainability cannot be balanced under a war priority.
won’t link, but warmongering is warmongering to diminish Russia to the last Ukrainian. Peace is not requiring Ukraine to stay nazified and join nato so Ukrainians can live happily ever after.
I am fascinated to find one of the dedicated troll accounts coming in to spend some time debating with multiple people with mostly reasoned conversation on this topic.
Go look at this person’s history. I defy you to find some other instance of them calmly debating on any topic with this many messages or with this level of thought and responsiveness. Mostly, they are busy getting banned from [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], for tossing in little one-off missives like:
So why is this part of your busy schedule, posting defenses of the slrpnk moderators on what seems like a pretty minor normal-fare-for-PTB issue?
That extremist CIA PTB subs support the most absurd western warmongering propaganda with bans to protect their demonic world views is not reason to bring them up this thread.
OP seems to be mad that something positive was posted. I’m just defending the post, and it is excessive to call it misinformation. Mod ban did cite “pattern” I did not investigate. My fairly neutral/reasoned post is downvoted here.
See, this is what I was talking about: Just some lazy collections of semi-word-salad that make a vague and hostile attempt to support whatever pro-Russia viewpoint, and then on to the next comment. It makes it all the more anomalous that as far as I can tell the only time when you’ve ever stepped out of that mode, slowed down and made a serious effort to engage with other people and present a clear argument in detail, because you care about being believed, it was in defense of the slrpnk moderators, all of a sudden at random. When I don’t think you’ve ever shown an intense interest in Lemmy-drama or indeed any other non-geopolitical topic before.
I didn’t think OP’s post was anything other than some random Lemmy-drama about short-sighted moderation, and I still don’t. This part is a lot more interesting.
You want a world where all anti-Russia disinformation is unchallenged. In addition to war not benefitting Americans/west in any way, it is responsible for massive diesel use, that has put diesel/home heating fuel at near global refining capacity and a factor on inflation. The relationhip to energy/transition is that despite some global progress on energy, 2024 had record increase in CO2, largely due to war and forest fires. Demonic war propaganda is in fact humanity diminishing climate terrorism, as human sustainability cannot be balanced under a war priority.
This you?
won’t link, but warmongering is warmongering to diminish Russia to the last Ukrainian. Peace is not requiring Ukraine to stay nazified and join nato so Ukrainians can live happily ever after.
And the propaganda continues.