• Banrik@fedia.io
    1 month ago

    Answering everything with combat & lasers? Like I love a good kirk fight on a rock outside cali but give me a well written “we are stronger together speech” or some introspective or our differences make us stronger together, which I think most trek has been able to do.looking at kelvin trek or picard & saying no thanks to that I think is fine?

    • Stamets@lemmy.worldM
      1 month ago

      but give me a well written “we are stronger together speech” or some introspective or our differences make us stronger together, which I think most trek has been able to do

      Dude. That was literally the resolution of the first season after everything that they had been through. The war was won with a speech.

      Season 1: Episode 15 - Will You Take My Hand?

      Beginning of Act 3:

      Burnham: Is this how Starfleet wins the war? Genocide?!

      Cornwell: You want to do this here? Fine. Terms of atrocity are convenient after the fact. The Klingons are on the verge of wiping out the Federation.

      Burnham: Yes. But ask yourself: Why did you put this mission in the hands of a Terran and why the secrecy? It’s because you know it’s not who we are.

      Cornwell: It very soon will be. We do not have the luxury of principles.

      Burnham: That is all we have, Admiral… A year ago, I stood alone. I believed that our survival was more important than our principles. I was wrong. Do we need a mutiny today to prove who we are?

      <Shots of the bridge crew looking with Burnham in solidarity before Acting Captain Saru stands up>

      Saru: We are Starfleet.

      Not enough? Same episode but later when they’re talking to L’rell.

      <Burnham and L’rell enter the shrine where the hydrobomb was planted by Georgiou>

      L’rell: What is this?

      Burnham: This is the place the Federation crushed the Klingons. We planted a bomb in the heart of your homeworld. Qo’noS will be destroyed.

      L’rell: You bring me here to gloat?

      Burnham: No. To offer you an alternative. Klingons respond to strength. Use the fate of Qo’noS to bend them to your will. Preserve your civilization rather than watch it be destroyed.

      L’rell: But… I am no one.

      Ash Tyler: You once told Voq that you didn’t want the mantle of leadership. It’s time for you to leave the shadows.

      <They then give L’rell the codes for the bomb. The only piece of leverage that Starfleet has, they have now given to the Klingons. Do note that the episode also shows Birds of Prey heading towards Earth. This was the last stand.>

      Then there’s the speech that Burnham gives to Starfleet after the war: Link here

      So, how does that not fit the criteria? I can find examples from the other seasons too, if you’d prefer.

      The only difference between Star Trek: Discovery using speeches and any older Trek is that Star Trek: Discovery is serialized. Meaning that character growth happening instantly in one episode is going to feel awkward, stilted and like bad writing. If you want a speech like that you need to earn it now. You can’t just throw it out willy nilly for major threats like that. Yet, when they deal with smaller threats in the other seasons, they do use speeches like that. First thought that comes to mind was when they head to earth in Season 3 and force a chat that ends a standoff been going on near a century. Or the other chat they had with the Vulcans in Unification III.

      There are plenty of those speeches.

            • Stamets@lemmy.worldM
              1 month ago

              Okay yeah that’s actually on me. I thought I was on my post about Discovery, not this one, which had a different vibe entirely. I totally goofed and I apologize.

              That being said… Kelvin Trek I will let slide far more given it’s a movie. Most of them are pretty brash with a lot of visuals, action and explosions. Definitely different but I like them for what they are.

              Picard I cannot fucking stand the first two seasons of but they still do try to talk our their problems about as often as they try to bash them out. Season 1 has Picard running about trying to figure out whats going on but at the end he’s still trying to resolve things with words more so than anything else. But the resolution of both Season 1 and Season 2 of Picard end because people decided to talk as opposed to blow each other up.

              In other Star Treks, you have a ‘monster of the week’ type deal where the issue that you’re going to solve that week isn’t likely to ever come up again. You can fast track development there and be able to talk people down, especially when you’re an outsider coming in for a short period. When it comes to serialized shows they still do the same thing where they talk people down, it is just over a longer period of time. Having to whittle away at someone. You still see that whittling in old Trek. Sometimes there will be engagements in between talks or they will have to fire to get someone to actually listen. The only difference is that because they’re dealing with a smaller timeframe over all, they have to spend a smaller amount of that on those conflicts. Picard was able to stretch that out over a longer period of time to get to the point of discussion being the answer to their problems.

              Season 1 has Riker show up with a massive fleet of shitty CGI copy/paste ships to go against the equally shitty Romulan fleet but they only existed as a stalemate to force conversation.

              Season 2 has the borg showing up and everyone freaking the fuck out. But that Borg threat was neutralized by two people getting along, in a manner of speaking. Jurati and the Borg Queen infected each other and created a sort of new “strain” of Borg with its own collective. But the conversation that they have at the end of Season 2 is what seals that conflict, not a fight.

              The Kelvin timeline… yeah those are harder to argue. Most of it is just action but like I said, they’re movies so I don’t care that much about them. I mean that for all Trek movies. I’m more of a show dweeb.

              Again I am endlessly sorry that I acted like a fucking fool. That is completely on me for not verifying where I was. I was responding to two different comments in the two different threads and just sort of forgot that this was a different post entirely. No ones fault but mine for my own stupidity.

              • Banrik@fedia.io
                1 month ago

                Don’t worry about it, like in my edit there is a lot going on the macro scale and i can imagine anyone that enjoys star trek is feeling the strain (streign?).

                yeah i know the Kelvins are movies and you gotta give it more lax because movies need to hit wider audiences to justify the large budgets, that being said a low budget movie made by A24 in the trek universe would be something might actually go to the cinema to go see.

                I feel the end of one is misguided because the AI hole monster is still like a thing? i mean i’m not going to lie the picard gollum lives rent free in my brain so when i try to remember what happened to the AI Tenticles from another dimension I think they just closed it but i feel like that still could be an issue, felt like dealing with the symptoms not the root issue? Also yeah the terrible CGI ships don’t help me remember that ending.

                I would argue there is something very toxic about the borg queen & Jurati’s relationship but we know very little so i may be just imprinting bad experiences with codependcy. But season 2 is time travel so its like did all that version of the borg already exist or was it different and then i have to stop thinking cause at this point i think time travel in Star trek is only damaging things, though it’s like pandora’s box, you can’t close it now. Season 2 also hits hard because some of the subject matter follows a pattern of irl things happening in my childhood & i think it was mishandled in that season. like as a kid watching trek i’d clung onto the thought that if i’d been around in trek times things may have played out different cause we were better as a whole but season 2 kinda poorly inserted that but again i may be marred by my own experiences?

                • Stamets@lemmy.worldM
                  1 month ago

                  I feel the end of one is misguided because the AI hole monster is still like a thing? i mean i’m not going to lie the picard gollum lives rent free in my brain so when i try to remember what happened to the AI Tenticles from another dimension I think they just closed it but i feel like that still could be an issue, felt like dealing with the symptoms not the root issue? Also yeah the terrible CGI ships don’t help me remember that ending.

                  The tentacle monster (god I hate that thing) was the thing that the Romulans feared would happen again and almost did. Their stance was destruction of all artifical lifeforms was the only way to ensure that something like that couldn’t be called upon. Picard & Cos stance was that its bullshit and that they can co-exist. The portal was closed but not permanently. There is a chance someone in the future could open that up again. The symptoms were caused by the Romulans in the first place. They attacked synthetic life which drove the synths to fear their own extinction which caused them to open the portal. Showing them compassion and helping them out and proving that they can co-exist was what closed the portal more so than just actually closing it. Provided synthetic life isn’t trying to be exterminated again (which was proven to be a Sisyphean task in the season) then the portal shouldn’t need to be opened. And the tentacle monster itself seemed to be an artificial intelligence that someone tried to kill. It, in fear, exterminated everything else around it and only allowed synthetic lifeforms. The whole season was just basically dealing with racism against minority groups and saying that you need to stand up for everyone, not just yourself.

                  I would argue there is something very toxic about the borg queen & Jurati’s relationship but we know very little so i may be just imprinting bad experiences with codependcy.

                  I can see that argument but to be fair, the Borg do work a bit differently. That Borg Queen was losing her mind because she had no drones and no collective. Just her. As we saw from Jack in Season 3 and Picard in… everything that that isolation can hit hard. Especially when you’re a being that seems to have just always been a hive mind. Or at least a hive mind so long that the past doesn’t even matter anymore. Not trying to nullify your argument, just offer a different point of view for consideration.

                  But season 2 is time travel so its like did all that version of the borg already exist or was it different and then i have to stop thinking cause at this point i think time travel in Star trek is only damaging things, though it’s like pandora’s box, you can’t close it now.

                  Season 2 is a fucking mess and so hard to sort out due to that temporal fuckery. Luckily, I can’t believe I’m saying this, a Q was involved. So we know that Q straight up rewrote the Prime Timeline. He didn’t send them into an alternate dimension, he went back in the past and changed something which forced Picard & Co to do the same thing. I mean, lets ignore the fact that Q was trying to teach Picard a lesson that Picard actively ignored and made worse, but whatever. My guess is that Q wouldn’t have let that shit go on for too long, just long enough to make his point. He’s done it in the past. But when PIcard decided to shove his face further into everything, it complicated shit to such a massive extent for Q, Picard, the crew, and the fucking audience.

                  Jurati-Borg was created in the past in the 21st century by combining herself with a Borg Queen from an alternate timeline that they’ve now erased. Star Trek, however, couldn’t give less of a fuck about Paradoxes. By normal Time Travel rules, that Borg Queen would have ceased to exist the second they changed the past. But by Star Trek rules, she lives and merges with Jurati. They then fuck off to whatever random direction and do their own private thing, letting the ‘Prime’ Borg Queen continue on as normal.

                  Season 2 also hits hard because some of the subject matter follows a pattern of irl things happening in my childhood & i think it was mishandled in that season. like as a kid watching trek i’d clung onto the thought that if i’d been around in trek times things may have played out different cause we were better as a whole but season 2 kinda poorly inserted that but again i may be marred by my own experiences?

                  Well, I can’t speak to your experience but I’m curious what part of Season 2 made you think that things wouldn’t play out differently for you in that world? Most of it takes place during the 21st century, to be fair. If it’s the shitty father thing… Well, Worf. Unfortunately it seems to be that there are going to be bad parents around endlessly. Humans are complicated and while as a collective we go for better goals (Let us ignore the world at the moment) individually we… get messy.

                • Banrik@fedia.io
                  1 month ago

                  took me a long time to write this cause mobile, some subject matter stuff & retrospective on picard (honestly got really confused trying to remember the series as its all over the place in what its trying to do). So, sorry for slow reply!