Don’t know if it works on iOS, but in Android you can block ads systemwide by setting your DNS server to
Note that this may occasionally interfere with things. I was having trouble with in-flight WiFi last time I flew, and I once I switched the Private DNS setting back to Automatic, it suddenly worked.
This is top level enshittification. You’re showing the user an ad that is, as OP says, the opposite of what they want, and then charging Truth Social for the impression. Magnificent!
‘Targeted advertising’ is shockingly untargeted. As the underpinning of our digital economy, the value of online advertising is dangerously overinflated.
It’s targeting what they want to sell you depending on what target group you are, it’s never been what might actually interest you personally.
I occasionally buy tools, and damn right I research them until I know they’re “buy it for life” quality
Then I spend the next few weeks getting bombarded by ads for a tool I will never ever buy
This was my result:
well that’s a different app store
Fuck. For a second there I thought it was an ad in Lemmy, and was enraged that this shit was pushed. Don’t care me like that
Apple thinks I’m a nerd (and they’re right) lol.
I hope that AD is pay per view and not pay per click
they’re not in the defult repo :/
What store is this?
Droid-ify client, which is an alternative client for F-Droid.
If you’ve never used F-droid, give it a go: It’s a FOSS package manager for Android and nothing more. All it does is host, install, update, and manage applications. No ads, no sponsored suggestions, no ranking. It has strict submission requirements, only serves FOSS apps, and prominently lists apps’ “anti-features” (tracking, reliance on third-party services, things you may not like).
Not a negative review, that was something positive but I don’t remember it exactly:
They are not 1:1 the same versions as in the playstore. As soon as in-app purchases are available. This means that you can only update the app via the same store and the other would require a new installation due to a different signature.
It looks like Droid-ify to me
I see this in Australia.
iOS vs Android, and region I expect. Although I’m in the UK, and I can’t imagine it’s that popular here.
I’m also using iOS in the UK. I just tried searching for Pixelfed in the App Store and the ad was for some sort of golf tutoring app.
The top search result was the Pixelfed app and the others all other Fediverse apps.
The ad on top is selected from a pool of ads from companies that paid for their placement up there. If you run the search again, it will probably show an ad for Snapchat or Instagram or something.
Yeah I understand why it’s there, and that you will see different ones. Just posting here because its target demographics are likely comically different from those that are interested in Pixelfed.
I don’t think “hates Trump” is a metric that Apple tracks, but I get your point.
Ha probably not, but you never know. I bet they can determine my ideologies from the publications I’ve blocked on Apple News +, but who knows what they use to build up a profile.
Yeah, I’ve just scrolled down the iOS App Store, I didn’t see anything for the fediverse.
You’re still getting an ad as the top result, just a different ad.
“Simplicity is key, a good cut of beef, salt, pepper and olive oil”. Ironically I suspect that, despite it being steak and being posted by a woman talking about cooking, such a post would still cop a lot of flack and trigger a lot of the type of people that would choose to use Truth Social because of the mention of seed oil over animal fat.
i got Rednote, which is the other opposite of what I want
people on Rednote are actually nice though, whereas Truth Social is full of MAGA Nazis
I didn’t realize til now the logo looks just like polyend
Oh wow, they’re almost identical. That may come back to bite Dan on the ass.
Eh, it’s different enough and they’re in different markets anyway. Theirs is rounded at the bottom but Pixelfed’s is straight.
Pixelfed’s is straight
Not the way I use it
IANAL but I reckon there’s enough similarity for Polyend to consider chatting to their legal team. The Pixelfed logo is also actually (inverse) black on the apps, similar to the point where they’re just about the same if you squint.
Honestly, what it would probably come down to is a court ruling, and if poly Fed really wanted to spend the money on lawyers to push it that far. Honestly, it could probably go either way.
Yeah no doubt. If I were Dan though, I’d just change it before it got to that point. Pixelfed has only actually had this redesigned logo for a few months, and the app has only just been pushed out of beta, so it’s not like it’s an established recognisable brand to lose.
I really don’t think it would be an issue.
Edit: how many people know polyend?
I love how they have to advertise exactly what that social media (TS) isn’t, a big tent social media platform. I’m sure the rubes eat it up.
By “big tent” they must mean a circus tent.
Had the same thing happen when searching for Bluesky