Ottawa is prepared to send up to $74 million in funding to support small modular reactor development in Saskatchewan.

SaskPower has said a decision on whether to build a modular reactor is expected to be made in six years.

    1 year ago

    I’m happy with any amount of money going towards clean energy, but this just really loses all meaning when we’re still pumping nearly $5 BILLION into the oil and gas industry every year, just through subsidies. That number goes up to $11B when you add in the funding they are given through less direct sources. Meanwhile those companies constantly turn record profits.

    Our country is on fire, and we need to stop pouring fuel on it right goddamn now.

    “What about all the workers!”

    Use some of that $5B just in subsidies to retrain them in building wind, solar, and nuclear power. Those jobs will be safer for the workers, and don’t rely on a rapidly dwindling resource. We have a chance to be a world leader in this, and I’m sick of us squandering it.