• Dasus@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Science isn’t something you can have, it’s a method of getting information.

    Oh alright mister pedantic. See sometimes sentences have things like implications in them. Saying someone “has” some arbitrary concept or system, like asking a ship"do you have navigation", doesn’t mean the person asking that thinks of navigation as a singular object.

    They have the science available to them. Ie they have the ability to look at endless amounts of it.

    “They have other methods”

    (How annoying would it be if here I started autistically screeching about how you don’t “have” methods, you use them)

    You completely misunderstood my comment, and are now pretending that one of the most common definitions of “knowledge” is different from what I said; having justified true belief. In something.

    Flat earthers have justified true information available to them, but they REFUSE TO BELIEVE IT.

    It’s caller amathia.

    Here, read this.
