My big winter boots I have used for the last few years got a split in them today. I use them a lot as I walk about 1km a day to and from work. I have to walk up hills and on ice at times. Which boots should I buy that will be good quality, keep my feet warm and dry, and last repeated daily use?

    2 months ago

    For me and my habits, these have been working for a few years. They cost me about 75 €. But as always, product portfolios change and most likely they’re out of production. And maybe they’ll break this year, making my recommendation premature - but I see no signs of breaking yet.

    Why I picked them: they had a rubber lower part and a string-tightened but closed upper part made of fabric (no “tongue” with open sides, no zipper, zippers can break down). My access way gets flooded often, and most of the flooding occurs during cold weather. So I often walk in snow that has ice and water underneath, and break it when walking. I could use rubber boots, but then it would be cold.