Was the boys thing real or was that a bad youtuber myth or something. The wild ass boys take it at a certain age or something like that, as a way to put them in their place. Not my jam. They had the whole slaves thing too.
Definitely not amongst the Romans. It was considered shameful at any age for a citizen to ‘submit’ his body to another. Roman men generally preferred non-citizens as same-sex partners for this reason.
Was the boys thing real or was that a bad youtuber myth or something. The wild ass boys take it at a certain age or something like that, as a way to put them in their place. Not my jam. They had the whole slaves thing too.
Might be thinking of the ancient Athenians
Definitely not amongst the Romans. It was considered shameful at any age for a citizen to ‘submit’ his body to another. Roman men generally preferred non-citizens as same-sex partners for this reason.
Thank Jupiter barbarian bussy existed!