If you go to [email protected] and scroll you’ll see some of the posts have a youtube thumbnail image, but not all.
I wanna post YouTube videos, but no one seems to engage much without a thumbnail, which makes sense, but I’m not sure what would result in the post actually having a thumbnail
If anyone has advice or guidance I’d appreciate it :) Thanks!
EDIT: so far it seems like it’s potentially a combination of what version of lemmy the posters account is running, and how that instance is configured…
There are people on shitjustworks posting youtu.be links on [email protected] that do have thumbnails, so whatever they’re doing doesn’t seem to have that problem
My .ee account has a field to put in a thumbnail URL, so other comments in this thread are kinda leading me to believe it may be a combination of instance version, and how the instance is configured
My Lemmy instance actually can’t fetch YouTube thumbnail, so I actually have to put it manually lol.
See http://www.get-youtube-thumbnail.com/
Thats a super helpful site, thank you! If nothing else now I can remake my post from my .ee account and add the thumbnail manually