Make a plan to run if you have to. Cash reserve, good backpack, identification and other paperwork, a couple of changes of clothes.
Make a plan to move. Save as much money as you can and set a date. We began planning our move in 2020 and our deadline was last summer.
We successfully completed our move to a better state and are much happier. Like a weight has been lifted off us. It was difficult but very much wotth it.
Thank you for inspiring me. I try to collect money to move, and although it seems like a lost cause rn, your positive experience makes me sure I do the right thing.
Excellent post.
I would add:
Make a plan to run if you have to. Cash reserve, good backpack, identification and other paperwork, a couple of changes of clothes.
Make a plan to move. Save as much money as you can and set a date. We began planning our move in 2020 and our deadline was last summer.
We successfully completed our move to a better state and are much happier. Like a weight has been lifted off us. It was difficult but very much wotth it.
Thank you for inspiring me. I try to collect money to move, and although it seems like a lost cause rn, your positive experience makes me sure I do the right thing.
You can do it! We saved for years and spent as little as we could. It’s hard, but not impossible.