I always knew California was a bedrock of metal illness
I’ll be deep in the cold cold ground before I recognize Missourah.
STOP doing manifest destiny
Nations were never supposed to span from coast to coast
Want to have more coastline anyway? We have a solution for that: it’s called a PENINSULA
Stalin: our nation should span from coast to coast
Putin: I won’t be satisfied with just the Crimea peninsula
Iberian Peninsula is so hot right now
Left: Mental Illness
Right: Mental Illinois
Mental Illinois sounds like a sick band name
So THAT’S what the psychs meant when they said I was living in a state of mental illness…
As someone who just moved from the west into “the REAL US” … this shit is old and broken and slow as fuck and everyone just accepts it like it’s supposed to be that way.
Because it’s either that, or they pay taxes. They made their own bed.
Is it too late to get a refund for the Louisiana Purchase?
What I wouldn’t give for my state to be part of France rather than this US bullshit.
Illinois et Arquensas
We bought it for pennies. Imagine the ROI.
I second the motion of making the Louisiana Refund real.
states in the northeast
“we are the Midwest! :D”
“whelp, it’s removed. honey, look away.” loads shotgun
NY, Florida, Texas, California are the only states, the rest is Ohio
if your state has a natural border, it’s real. otherwise it’s a prank. Which square state are you from, the one shaped like a square or the one shaped like a rectangle. get real motherfuckers
And to think Africans complain about their rectangle borders, Americans are just fine!
typical yank, africans don’t complain about rectangle borders, they complain about straight lines.
your face is a straight line
I’m Canadian, this makes so much sense and why you guys have 50
I’m not murcan
99% of the State of New York is nothing. NYC and Philadelphia belong in NJ, they each have a lot more in common with Jersey than they do their respective states.
New Jersey isn’t real, it’s just a suburb of NYC and Philly.
Tiny alaska tiny alaska
Texas can’t be upstaged
There seems to be a mistake with this map, Minnesota is a Canadian province
I wish!
Florida just shouldn’t exist and I’d probably move California over to the other side. But on the whole I think this pic is passable.
Northeast + West Coast and Everywhere Else.
Sooner or later Florida won’t be a state anymore.
The great Florida reef?
That’s clever those buildings could potentially become home for the future fishes for sure. https://www.newsweek.com/map-shows-cities-that-could-go-underwater-sea-level-rise-1996760
Ah but obviously tourism would spike to see to see the lost city of
The line is so…vertical. Incorrect but funny.