i honestly wish i could find a way to describe this is that doesn’t sound like clickbait, we’re not even using mods
Approximate a circle with cubic Bézier curves: https://spencermortensen.com/articles/bezier-circle/
seththepotate’s video on a beam-based hypertube railcannon: https://youtu.be/iTAwpAM3YMk
I learned how to use bezier curves from You Suck At Photoshop: https://youtu.be/YNfBF2xvhaE
That’s also where I learned to call people babies as a joke in a tutorial, but I’ve discovered that’s not my style.
Satisfactory tutorial playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLd0z_0Gxs3VAi6T8Gr5Ip0g_oMX5LPNst
This Wizard Found a GUN…: https://youtu.be/-rOaE0ExZSA
Youtube video link (if that’s your thing ig idk): https://youtu.be/dEaB0cbiotY
No blueprints this time, but this description is lowkey unhinged so that’s fun.
Also I know I misspoke when I called them “fourth order bezier curves”, but technically it could be right for all we know. Any bezier spline can be perfectly replicated by a higher order spline. I mean I know that’s not what the game is using but we can’t actually prove it.
Also hey folks check it out it’s my first peertube link!
Good WWG shout-out, I love those guys
That line haunts me.