Die Krisen des vergangenen Jahrzehnts treffen eine Gruppe weltweit kaum: Milliardäre. Ihre Zahl erreicht 2021 einen Höchstwert und ist seither weitgehend konstant. Ihr Vermögen wächst einer Studie zufolge seit 2015 um 121 Prozent. Eine Gruppe unter ihnen legt dabei besonders stark zu.
I would argue “the economy” can be a term to abstract away from the bottom line, the actual desirable outcomes. That’s housing for everyone, that’s good education, that’s thriving salaries. Given that every dollar given to a millionaire is a dollar not given to someone who needs it (assuming correctly that every society has people below the thriving line) then they are bad for the economy by definition.
The problem is that in the mostly used narrative, “the Economy™” is just one figure: The GDP. That’s how we got to systematically making the rich richer at everyone else’s expense in order to have a “good economy”.
I would argue “the economy” can be a term to abstract away from the bottom line, the actual desirable outcomes. That’s housing for everyone, that’s good education, that’s thriving salaries. Given that every dollar given to a millionaire is a dollar not given to someone who needs it (assuming correctly that every society has people below the thriving line) then they are bad for the economy by definition.
The problem is that in the mostly used narrative, “the Economy™” is just one figure: The GDP. That’s how we got to systematically making the rich richer at everyone else’s expense in order to have a “good economy”.