ID: Drawing of a duck billed platypus underwater, they’re wearing a rainbow coloured t shirt and a pink bum-bag, and saying: “Ally is not something you can self-identify as, it’s a title that you earn. Let your actions speak for themselves!”

Credit: Sophie Labelle

  • m0darn
    3 months ago

    /u/Nexy is confused about the difference between a political view and an identity.

    They are correct that there isn’t really a difference between being an ally of a political movement like Feminism and being a member of that movement (although I think that movements/organizations with different priorities can be allies with a movement like Feminism, e.g.) a person is either a Feminist or not a Feminist there’s nobody that’s an ally of Feminism.

    But there is a difference between advocating for rights for people with minority Sexual Orientation and Gender Identities (SOGIs), and being a person that is 2SLGBTQI. If we had a word that encapsulated the movement like Feminism does then we wouldn’t need to tack on “ally”. SOGI-ism? Good luck.