That is vague. “Liberals” and “liberal ideology” are just terms conservatives use when blaming others as well. It doesn’t matter who.
That is vague. “Liberals” and “liberal ideology” are just terms conservatives use when blaming others as well. It doesn’t matter who.
I think they are still in denial about PoE2
Yup! Y’all just blame gay people, Mexicans, libruls and Hunter Biden for all your woes then deregulate everything so that corporations can keep fucking us over let the wealth trickle down.
Is SPM typically considered continuous production without slowdowns forever, or, is there some unwritten rule about needing to maintain +1000 for a specific amount of time?
I can spike to 700 SPM at times, but it only lasts for a minute or two until a resource or two gets completely sucked dry. (Until I get better production, I just pace my research and buffer enough resources to keep research at 100% for a bit.)
That is the point of the video. There were already known differences between the pre-release pilot and the one that actually aired on TV.
So, was the Nibbler-Fry plotline part of the first episode, or was it added later?
A Fake Taxi, probably.
Jesus. King of the Jews.
Jews control the space lasers and weather manipulation weapons, after all.
Aww shit! The mods don’t think so. You must conform to the will of the oligarchies or be erased from history. (Or just pictures. They also like to delete people from official pictures.)
But if anyone missed it:
It’s super noisy dude. I would toss that shit overboard in a heartbeat.
I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the gas clouds look like drumsticks.
Build a live boot USB for windows:
There is a chance that the exe is just a wrapper for a compressed archive that contains the app to flash the bios and also the image. If the bios actually supports flashing manually, that would be super convenient.
Taking the rook might delay mate a move or two, and blocks check with the bishop. Unless there is a mate right after that I missed.
Without actually smelling it, you can look up what solvents are used in its manufacturing. In the case of PCP, it’s organic solvents like ether, benzene or alcohol. Bulk, non-lab grade solvents may contain bitterants that never get completely washed out of the final product.
The bitterants and any residual solvents should give it a weird alcohol-like smell. I suspect that PCP is also soluble in gasoline as well so it may have a note or two of that smell, depending on the availability of proper solvents. (As an example, diesel fuel is used quite often in cocaine manufacturing and as a result, it’ll have gasoline notes,so the same concept applies. So yeah. If your blow always smells like gas, that is one reason why. On the bright side, it’s probably a bit more pure but no guarantees on that.)
He died already, based on another report I just read.
I am hoping that is “died” with big air quotes, though. A “dead” POW from NK could have significant value, if it was actually a defection.
Plating through holes is going to be a fun project. There are kits for doing that kind of thing, but you will pay a premium to get everything in one box. The last time I researched it, some conductive ink/paint/glue and an simple electroplating setup was going to be the best option. (The low resistance conductive ink at the time was super expensive, and I was super broke, so I had to ditch the project ) For diy, copper rivets seem like the next best option, TBH.
Take lots of pictures of your wins and failures in your multilayer board project. I have no clue how you are going to be able to press the layers together while keeping them aligned, so I am super curious how that will go.
Those projects are super fun, but are a time suck because they tend to have quite a few iterations before they are usable. Sigh. Work and kids basically terminated those kinds of projects for me.
It’s not an attack. You simply don’t stick with any point long enough to have a proper discussion.
Replace them with “take a twenty, leave a twenty” tray.