Recently, my life feels like a blur, like I dont really remember what happened even in the past 2 weeks, and this has cause me some anxiety.

I just want to know if this is what everyone’s memory is like.

How much of your life do you remember, like do you only remember major events in your life, or do you remember like what you have been doing for the past 2 weeks.

What I mean is like, if someone asked you “So, what have you been last week”

You can come up with an answer like:

“So I watched [X] movie on Netflix on Monday, went to a nearby park on Tuesday, ate at [X] restaurant on Wednesday, found a new interesting Youtube Channel to watch on Thursday, petted a friendly neighborhood cat on Friday…” etc…

And like you can still remember what happened that week the following Monday.

Like obviously most people wouldn’t remember what they ate every meal, but like just one major event that happened each day.

I feel like I don’t remember shit. Not a single event.

  • Hemingways_Shotgun
    4 months ago

    People tend to look at me funny when I tell them that I don’t remember my childhood all the way up through highschool.

    Certain big events in highschool I can remember of course. But for most of it is just vague impressions of “Yeah…I must have done that at some point, but can’t recall specifics”.

    For Childhood it gets even more nebulous; again, a few things I clearly remember, and much of the rest of it I can’t decide if I actually remember it, or if I’m “filling in the blanks” from old photographs (the brain is funny that way…implanting a fake memory is pretty easy it turns out)

    People have told me that that’s a reaction to childhood trauma, but since I’m kind of stupidly good at holding useless trivia in my brain, I just think I pushed it all out to make room for random facts about ancient history and star trek lore.