There are no actual atheists who write, let alone visit, this website.
Master with a capital? Seriously?
Yeah first I’ve seen the atheist straw man in the wild. Maybe he DOES need a little Jesus lol
I knew a conservative atheist. I didn’t realize he was conservative when I met him. But when he started attacking a progressive Christian friend of mine on a Facebook post I made, talking about the “woke mind virus,” I unfriended his ass real quick.
There are people from every ideological background who are suckers and fall for shit. Atheists are not some perfect paragon of intellect and virtue.
Certainly, the whole idea is that theistic belief is separate from morality after all.
And yet examples are remarkable. The one you met wouldn’t have been memorable otherwise. At a guess, it’s rare because atheism is the kind of hair-shirt or “kick me” sign that actual assholes rarely choose, as it tends to require a fair amount of introspection.
But I have known a handful of assholes who go around telling everyone they’re an asshole, as if the negative attention is the point. Usually I associate that behavior with baggage related to abandonment and rejection.
In that case, conservatism and other socially maladaptive ideologies might be secondary to unresolved trauma, shame, fear, and self-hate. And for that, therapy is the only solution I know, not religion.
I met so many conservative rural people who were convinced that universities were just liberal indoctrination centers. Never put two brain cells together that by being around other people from different backgrounds and cultures you learn to respect those differences - you know - liberal values.
And being forced to back up your arguments with actual evidence, not whatever idiocy your friends and social media are telling you.
Evidence is just a fancy word for opinion, right?
No, evidence is evidence. Not all things are a debate between two or more legitimate interpretations.
Saying “climate change is real and caused by humans” or the “sky is blue” are statements of fact, and not up for debate.
Guess I should have used /s.
It’s, in my experience, the ‘universities are liberal/woke indoctrination centres’ folks are also the ones whom have issues with grasping the difference between evidence, facts and opinions.
Ah, Poe’s law and all of that.
Haha, guess so. Ah well, no harm done.
This isn’t real. More propaganda from the right.
I mean it may be but I know a guy who considers himself a militant atheist and proudly parrots all of those points. He’s been screeching about the evil Democrats on Facebook for months. Absolutely insufferable.
If you call yourself an atheist conservative, you are basically just telling everyone that you are evil. You don’t hate trans people because you fear eternity in hell or some shit, you are just trash.
Welcome to the 90s and 00
Anyone calling a politician’s rise to power a “glorious victory” is a walking, talking red flag
the one above the blue is too funny… ‘…government appointments will be selected according to merit’.
by what criteria? who gives better head? who has putin on a 1-button speed dial? or actual qualifications and successful experience?
Merit $$$$$
‘Atheist Conservatives’ are as mythological as a petrohyherodron.
But you must admit, it’s definitely easier to say 😓
As an atheist, you can be an atheist and a complete moron, as evidenced by conservative atheists.
All being atheist does, is mean you do not believe in one of the most obvious bullshit scams in the world, but it doesn’t mean you are some 5D enlightened guru.
Looks like a group of frauds and liars.
The Master has come home again
The stupid fucker is an atheist only because he can’t lick god’s boots, but he can lick trump’s asshole
Trump is the Master! that explains everything!
Can anyone call the Doctor before we get another paradox machine?Sorry, no - Trump’s strings might be pulled by The Master, but he’s just too effing dumb to actually be The Master.
Precisely. The Master had style.
We should ask them “what does the boot taste like”?
It hurts my brain to read
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What a dumbass, lol
Reminds me of the North Carolina Black Republicans.