Now it would be a good time for to rework its search feature, so you can exclude results with a certain tag.
The person who announced this change noted in a reply that “Negative filtering is coming soon.”…
Finally! That’s amazing - and thank you for sharing this link, by the way.
Ik steam has this but now
Do procedurally generated levels and things count?
Nope. The actual disclosure dialog is a bit more precise in its wording:
Seems reasonable, at least it’s not a ban and probably won’t be hasn’t yet addressed that inquiry directly, but one possibility is simply that generative AI is already in widespread use: 31% of respondent to a GDC study published earlier this year said they’re personally using generative AI in their work, and 18% said they’re not using it themselves but have colleagues who are—though not necessarily to create anything players actually see. Given those numbers, and the fact that they’re inevitably going to grow, a straight up ban on generative AI may not be workable.