• Nightwingdragon@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    So Trump gave Gaetz an AG nomination in order to give him a reason to resign from Congress abruptly and immediately. And by sheer coincidence, he does so right beofre a scathing report was about to come out that would have taken a giant shit on his head. But Golly Gee Darn, ethics rules say that since Gaetz quit the report remains sealed and out of public view, sparing Gaetz from a life on the sex offender registry.

    I’m not worried, though. I’m sure all of this is on the up-and-up and has nothing to do with Trump helping Gaetz make his own charges go away in exchange for future loyalty. I’m sure that a future AG Gaetz would absolutely avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest and recuse himself from investigations into himself and Trump, and Trump is in no way just trying to install a puppet who will follow his commands without question.

      • dhork@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        Tomorrow. There had been a House Ethics Committee investigation into his antics, which was just wrapping up. But that committee can only investigate House members, so now that he isn’t anymore they may not be able to release that report.

        He is in the unique position that his political career may actually improve after resigning a House seat but getting his nomination torpedoed by the Senate. He can make a living off listing off his grievances on Conservative talk shows, biding his time for the 2028 Presidential Nomination.

        • Nightwingdragon@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          but getting his nomination torpedoed by the Senate

          He will not get his nomination torpedoed by the Senate. By doing this, Trump has ensured that he has an AG that will do his bidding without question, since Trump will be able to hang this investigation over his head to keep him in line.

          This is why Trump was demanding recess appointments a few days ago. This is why Tuberville is threatening to torpedo careers of Senators who don’t fall in line. This is a test for Republicans to get back in Trump’s good graces until he demands another loyalty pledge. He will either remain as “acting” AG and stay that way for Trump’s whole term, he’ll be appointed in a recess appointment, or dissenting senators will fall in line to save their political careers (and possibly their safety, as many of them have already confessed to being threatened).

          And this won’t even be to “own the libs”. Heck, he doesn’t give half a shit about Gaetz outside of his usefulness as an AG puppet. If not Gaetz, there was always Cannon. Or Jim Jordan. Tuberville. Plenty of suck-ups to choose from. It’s just that Gaetz just happens to be the suck-up that’s also the easiest to blackmail if push were to come to shove.

          This will be Trump’s way of making sure that republicans know who’s calling the shots. This is Trump’s way of telling republicans that the train isn’t stopping. This is Trump’s first loyalty test for them. This will tell Trump who needs to be purged and who can be trusted in the party. Trump just put his dick out on the table, and told Republicans that if you want careers, you had better get in line to pet it.

          Mark my words, one way or the other, they’ll all line up.

      • Nightwingdragon@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        Sometime last night. He allegedly quit abruptly and immediately in preparation for the AG role he was nominated by Trump for, because abruptly quitting in the middle of the night without warning is what all nominees do, don’t you know…

        In completely unrelated news, the house Ethics committee was about to release a report about his involvement in underage sex trafficking, among other criminal activity. And wouldn’t you know it? Committee rules prohibit the release of that report since he’s no longer a member of Congress. Complete coincidence, I’m sure.

        • CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          Committee rules prohibit the release of that report since he’s no longer a member of Congress.

          That has to be the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard in my life. Why in the hell would that be a rule? They could have all kinds of damning evidence and he walks because he quit in time?


        • CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          In completely unrelated news,

          Okay, I nearly did an actual spittake when reading that. Nicely done. 🤣