As soon as you van stop using weird vocabulary as “cis man”, i would start thinking about saying any of that.
Yes, there is a lotmof right wing bullshit going on but this entire Snowflake “Im special so we need to change language” is in large part what has pushed so many people to trump yo begin with.
To out it simple: you’re part of the problem. Fix yourself too
I don’t think I’ve ever called or referred anyone like that in real life, no.
“You have to talk to that right handed person there”
“You, heterosexual, are next”
You know why I’ve never done that? Because I don’t care about somebrandom persons sexuality, or handedness, or how he identifies his gender.
You know why I don’t? Because nobody does. This is the real world and I don’t want to have to deal with your issues when all I need you to do is hand me that bottle of something I want to buy.
If I were to get to know you a little more intimate, you know, becoming close friends, something romantic, then sure, tell me all about your quirks, we all have em.
On a side note: cis has been used for a long time as a prejorative as well, so using it is also akin to calling a gay person a faggot. We don’t do that either, because it’s a shit thing to say.
An acronym is a word which is formed by the first letters of a name for something, such as “laser” (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) or “radar” (RAdio Detecting And Ranging).
“Cis” isn’t that. It’s a Latin word which is the opposite of “trans”.
I’m absolutely cool with trans people (basically don’t give a shit about your age, color, gender, who you love, rich or poor, I just care that you’re nice), I’m annoyed by the acronyms and PC trends, for sure.
That actually was a big reason for loads of people, yeah. Instead of focussing on things that the majority of the US population would care about, Clinton went on about the he/his crowd, and lost
As someone “on the right” this is actually good advice for the future. The left’s obsession with victimhood and the orwellian nomenclature for “identity” is tiresome to the average person.
As soon as you van stop using weird vocabulary as “cis man”, i would start thinking about saying any of that.
Yes, there is a lotmof right wing bullshit going on but this entire Snowflake “Im special so we need to change language” is in large part what has pushed so many people to trump yo begin with.
To out it simple: you’re part of the problem. Fix yourself too
What a weird thing to say.
Do you have the same problem with all adjectives that describe a majority? Heterosexual, right-handed, etc.?
I don’t think I’ve ever called or referred anyone like that in real life, no.
“You have to talk to that right handed person there”
“You, heterosexual, are next”
You know why I’ve never done that? Because I don’t care about somebrandom persons sexuality, or handedness, or how he identifies his gender.
You know why I don’t? Because nobody does. This is the real world and I don’t want to have to deal with your issues when all I need you to do is hand me that bottle of something I want to buy.
If I were to get to know you a little more intimate, you know, becoming close friends, something romantic, then sure, tell me all about your quirks, we all have em.
On a side note: cis has been used for a long time as a prejorative as well, so using it is also akin to calling a gay person a faggot. We don’t do that either, because it’s a shit thing to say.
Do you hear yourself right now?
I also heard way too many people saying they’d voted trump because they were fed up with all the political correct nonsense.
I care more about trans people being treated equally than about people desperately trying to virtue signalling with their pronouns
Ah, I didn’t appeal to the right wing voter base, what a shame.
You think I’m right wing because I don’t like political correctness?
Yes everyone would be cool with trans people and not bigots if only they didn’t use silly little acronyms
It isn’t an acronym.
CIS isn’t an acronym? What? (Non-native)
An acronym is a word which is formed by the first letters of a name for something, such as “laser” (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) or “radar” (RAdio Detecting And Ranging).
“Cis” isn’t that. It’s a Latin word which is the opposite of “trans”.
I thought it was one… something like child identified sex but I stand corrected it’s not that at all… thanks
I’m absolutely cool with trans people (basically don’t give a shit about your age, color, gender, who you love, rich or poor, I just care that you’re nice), I’m annoyed by the acronyms and PC trends, for sure.
I see we’re in the “Trump was elected because of political correctness” phase. I remember this from 2015.
That actually was a big reason for loads of people, yeah. Instead of focussing on things that the majority of the US population would care about, Clinton went on about the he/his crowd, and lost
start with coherent messaging, which means you need to define terms as you use them
As someone “on the right” this is actually good advice for the future. The left’s obsession with victimhood and the orwellian nomenclature for “identity” is tiresome to the average person.
“Cishet”, for example, is basically a pejorative for “normal person”.